Common shoulder injuries.....

Aches and pains in muscles and problems in the Mini sore shoulder that usually develops due to overuse of certain muscle or joint. Especially among people and sports, and a lot of time, a common cause of these aches and pains and shoulder injuries. Shoulder injuries from weightlifting is a common problem, and for this reason are advised to have a personal trainer when one decides to work with. Weightlifting although only one of the many reasons, and if we were to list of other reasons then there will not be much. Shoulder is one of the most moving parts of the body, it is imperative to understand the anatomy of the shoulder to see how complicated this is part of the human body. It is a complex integration of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, the three shoulder / shoulder, collarbone / clavicle and the humerus / upper arm bone. This article will specifically give you an idea of ​​common shoulder injuries in sports and symptoms of these injuries most common in the shoulder.

Before moving to various shoulder injuries, let's first understand why it is more prone to shoulder injuries and the cause of the shoulder joint problems more common problems in the hip joint. Shoulder injuries are the most common terms are caught up with two of responsibilities, must be mobile enough to perform a variety of hands, arms and procedures must also be stable enough to perform actions such as payment, and drag and lift weights. This is clearly the functions of the shoulder, but these tasks very shoulder cause shoulder problems or injuries.

Some common shoulder injuries

Below is a small list of common shoulder injuries in sports along with all the symptoms of shoulder injuries listed on the bourse.

Shoulder bursitis

Most common shoulder injuries are the result of inflammation, and this in a condition known as shoulder bursitis is caused due to the presence of bursitis. What is bursitis? Bursa is present lubricating fluid between tendons and bones 1, the purpose of which is to prevent friction between moving structures within the shoulder. The most common reason for this requirement is excessive in the shoulder and the other factor which is called; suggestions repeated pregnancies where the shoulder is stretched. This condition is very common in sports such as baseball, which involves procedures overhead. It has been observed shoulder bursitis in most cases after a rotator cuff injury as well.

Some of the symptoms of this condition include pain, stiffness and swelling in the shoulder. With pressure or with an attempt by the movement over the pain intensifies. Any proposal limited shoulder, and severe pain in the shoulder does not allow a person to sleep.

Rotator cuff injury

We often hear from shoulder injuries and weightlifting is usually caused because of rotator cuff injury. Cuff consists of the tendons and muscles in the shoulder and upper bone contact with the shoulder. In addition to this basic function, it also helps the ball of the humerus to reform within the cavity of the shoulder. Repetitive arm movements, may raise and fall on the shoulder damage cuff muscles and tendons.

Some of the symptoms include cuff injuries shoulder pain, weakness and tenderness in the shoulder. Pain intensifies when one tries to overstretch arm to a certain level or try to lift something. Maybe even perform simple daily activities such as combing the hair cause unbearable pain in the shoulder.

Frozen shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis is another name used to refer this type of injury in the shoulder joint, and capsulitis term indicates that the capsule is made of tendons, bones, ligaments and when this capsule swells and tightens around the shoulder are the result of frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder exercises prove to be helpful in alleviating one of the excruciating pain.

Symptoms of frozen shoulder are not clear, as is the case in other common shoulder injuries, and symptoms of this condition develops very slowly and appear in three phases are painful, and frozen and thawing. At the stage of painful, and the pain in the shoulder restricted movement and experienced severe pain with shoulder movement, in the frozen stage, but the shoulder become stiff and restricted shoulder movements. Called the final phase of the ice melting phase is when it starts to improve the situation with the subsiding pain and a series of proposals to increase.


Dislocated shoulder is one of the shoulder injuries most common in the sport that often occur in sports such as football and other sports that involve falling, which causes tension and pressure on the shoulder. Dislocated shoulder is a condition in which the upper bone out of the socket, which is part of the shoulder. As the shoulder can move in different directions, can be a dislocated shoulder either be down, forward or backward. Because of the dislocation, the chances of stretching and tearing off increases ligaments and only the complexity of the injury.

Some symptoms of shoulder dislocation include prominent warped shoulder, severe pain and swelling and an inability to move the shoulder joint. Muscle spasms, weakness, and shoulder and numbness in the affected area are also important symptoms experienced in many cases.

That was common shoulder injuries, the occurrence of which is most common in sports people. Most advised ice packs, shoulder exercises and taking anti-inflammatory medication for most of these injuries in the shoulder to get relief from intense pain that these conditions cause. However, it is not recommended in all cases, accurate diagnosis is essential to propose appropriate treatment. And can put ice packs have adverse effects, if also affected the nerves around the injured area. Therefore we must consult a doctor before taking any self-care steps in the event of shoulder injuries

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