Pain in the calf in the night.....

And referred to the back of the station, which is located below the knee and leg. This area consists of the muscles that give support to the weight of the body and facilitate the movement of the leg. Excessive physical activities during the day often puts a lot of pressure on them and cause the muscles in the leg and pulled. As a result, you experience pain in the calf at the end of the day. However, if you suffer from pain in the calf in the night without any physical exertion, and can then be connected to some basic health disorder.

Causes calf pain at night

Lilly calf pain is common. Could be due to many different reasons. Some of them are as follows:

Injury: The most common form of injury calf muscle isstrained. You may get it stretched beyond its capacity during the implementation of a new process or due to repeated use. When a direct hit in the calf area in contact sports or activities fall ill can also affect the muscles. This type of pain in the calf muscle, often surges in the night.

Achilles tendonitis: Achilles tendon joins the calf muscles with a heel. Inflammation or tendon rupture causes pain in the leg muscles. Are run mostly by excessive water during sports-related activities. This pain often get an extension of the aftermath of which is located in the Achilles tendon.

Varicose veins: This is a condition where the veins in the calf becomes broad and extensive. This problem arises when the blood inside the veins in the legs failed to flow to the heart. These people who spend long hours on their feet are at a higher risk for the development of varicose veins that cause pain in the calf at night.

Circulatory problem: arterial insufficiency one problem on this circular, which gives a sudden pain in the calf, which lasts for a few minutes. It is caused by blockage of the arteries due to the buildup of cholesterol in them. In this case, the affected blood supply to the area in the calf. It may also lead to venous insufficiency where the blood fails to get out of the lower part of the body. Intermittent claudication is a condition that restrict blood flow in the legs for a short period of time during sleep, which leads to a huge pain in the calf.

Other reasons: Diabetics tend to get in a hurry at night so much pain, such as high levels of sugar in the blood to peripheral nerve damage. As this condition is known as diabetic neuropathy. Can be different forms of arthritis that causes inflammation in the knee related pain in the calf in charge at night. Sometimes, had leg cramps at night caused by a sleep disorder as well. Dehydration and lack of nutrition and excessive body weight is the reason other public painful leg muscle spasms.

Calf pain relief

When you wake up in the middle of the night with a cramp in the leg, then stretch for the first time your leg and keep it in this position for 15-20 minutes. This helps to relieve cramps in the calf. Do not try to get up on your feet because they can aggravate the pain. And can massage the area gently with the tips of your fingers make you feel better. Application of ice have a calming effect on the swollen leg muscles. Rest your leg in an elevated position throughout the night to reduce the chances of any further swelling. When the severity of the pain is too much, then take over the counter medications for pain relief for pain relief.

Should those who get pain in the calf every night consult your doctor to make sure of the reason. The exact cause is diagnosed with a physical examination and some laboratory tests. In the leg muscles and pulled badly Treatment includes medication and physical therapy involving deep tissue massage and stretching exercises cute. And a sharp rupture in the leg muscles need to be repaired by surgery. Most advised tourniquet and exercises for varicose veins. Is dealing with the problem in the circulatory system with the help of medication and dietary changes that can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Smokers to quit smoking immediately because it tends to constrict blood vessels even further. Diabetic patients and provide advice to control blood sugar levels in order to reduce the frequency of pain in the calf at night.

And can prevent most of the causes of pain in the calf at night with the help of a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy foods that are rich in potassium, such as bananas, grapes, beans, broccoli, tomatoes and so on. Keep your body hydrated by drinking adequate amounts of water. Stay away from alcohol and smoking in order to prevent diseases associated with nerve and circulatory system. Will regular exercises leg muscles make the muscles strong and flexible and thus protect them from injuries common

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