Foods rich in dietary fiber are natural foods that are naturally rich in fiber and very poor in fat and is rich never, but it's a healthy and important to our bodies and intestines

The idea of ​​the importance of fiber:
Dietary fiber is the food that are resistant to digestion and thus need the stomach to
A huge effort to effort ingests making it consume more calories to digest fiber.
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Where are the fibers in general
Fiber available plant food such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes
And nuts, etc.
There is no food, and only slightly
Such as dairy products and protein in meat, fish and eggs.
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Why fiber in the diet?
That regular daily doses of fiber helps maintain bowel action
Regularly, thus preventing constipation. It is the best laxative of the stomach.
Fiber works to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Fiber تسيطرعلى sugar level in diabetic Damldy.
Fiber also reduce the chances of colon cancer and bowel cancer.
Increasing fiber in the diet prevents overeating, so you should eat
Fiber-rich foods.
And eating foods rich in fiber works on the sense of satiety and hunger does not operate normally.
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Types of dietary fiber:
It can be divided into two categories:
Fiber is soluble and soluble fiber
Both are important for health
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1. Fiber is soluble:
Is coarse materials that do not dissolve in Almeama are bran:
A. Prevent constipation: fiber should be taken is soluble with enough water
Fathvz bowel muscles to soften the stomach and intestines and this kind great Manalolaav to treat constipation.
B. Prevent intestinal disorders: fiber is soluble reduce the pressure on the intestine
By increasing the movement of food in the intestines.
C. Prevent bowel cancer: the speed of movement in the intestine prevent the building of harmful substances in the intestine.
This may help prevent colon cancer as well.
Sources: (food sources of insoluble fiber)
Vegetables such as green beans and leafy green vegetables
Fruit skins and root vegetables
Whole wheat products
Wheat bran
Corn bran
Seeds and nuts
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2. Soluble fiber:
Fiber is soluble in water.
A. Lower blood cholesterol: Studies have shown that fiber-rich foods
Can lower cholesterol in the blood.
Scientific studies have shown that oats and oat bran, beans reduce the proportion of
, Can also corn bran, carrots, apples, reduce cholesterol less.
B. Controlling diabetes: can soluble fiber by increasing carbohydrate
Complex with meals, make the hormone insulin work better, leading
Slowing down the transfer of food into the intestines and also
Maintains blood sugar to rise quickly.
Sources: (food sources of soluble fiber)
Oats / oat bran
Dried beans and peas
Fruit such as oranges and apples
Vegetables such as carrots
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Types of foods in terms of the presence of fibers inside
Fiber-rich foods / /
Such as wheat bran, bran, bran corn Alshovanonkhalh, rice bran

Moderate-fiber foods / /
Whole grains such as wheat, flour, brown and brown pasta, corn, and brown rice.

Low-fiber foods / /
White flour, pasta, butter, wheat, oatmeal and cornmeal and white rice.
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And can add a lot of fiber in your diet in very large amounts cause constipation
And diarrhea, bloating, intestinal gas and other
Of harassment in the digestive tract. Therefore it is necessary to drink plenty of water and diversification in
Food with good attention to fiber

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