For the treatment of both circles of skin

Dark circles around the eyes, what more to the chagrin of the ladies, because this black color that surrounds the eye, suggesting the disease and excessive fatigue, as it affects the beauty of the woman, which is considered a key element in her life as a female:
What are dark circles?
Dark circles are one type of pigment in the skin increase under the eyes, may also occur as a result of changing the color of blood in the body appears in this region, because it is a very thin layer of the skin, does not contain any glands or fat.

What are the reasons for its appearance?
 Genetic factors: If a family member suffering from dark circles may also Tsaben

Chronic diseases: such as high blood pressure or asthma may cause the dark circles

Proper nutrition of others: the lack of a set of important elements such as: iron have the greatest impact on the appearance of dark circles

Dermatology: infection can lead one of skin diseases such as: allergies or eczema to the appearance of dark circles

Unhealthy habits: smoking, which causes the appearance of dark circles, due to contamination of the blood nicotine, as well as drinking coffee which causes insomnia and difficulty sleeping

Tension and nervousness: can lead mental or neurological disorders, to the appearance of dark circles

Misuse of cosmetics: Misused or frequent use of cosmetics lead to the appearance of dark circles

How pure ourselves?
- To stop smoking immediately, as well as drinking coffee

- Take enough sleep

- Exercise in the open air, to provide oxygen to the body natural

- Follow a healthy diet balanced nutrients

- Good clean the face of cosmetics moisturizer

- To get away from the tension and nervousness

The treatment of dark circles, is:
Recipes popular: It recipes proved effective in eliminating dark circles, such as: compresses cucumber slices and where: Makers slices vegetables on the area for 15 minutes and Chips for 15 minutes as well, and there are a lot of ways household various popular that help hide dark circles, such as : almond oil and mint juice and honey.

Medical method: taking certain medications to stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the veins, and as a result of the success of these treatments up to 80%.

Get rid of dark circles is grainy when all women, because it restores them confidence Bjamahin and pattern their lives, especially since these auras distort the shape of women and give a dull and tired sight.

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