How to get a youth thighs

There is no doubt that all any woman in the world wish to be beautiful and attractive, and completed attraction Madam must reach your body to form an ideal in all its parts, and is considered the rear part of the parts that affect largely on the strength and appearance of the body, and to improve the appearance of some celebrity women operations Beauty either blown or traction, which exposes them to pain and make them lose a lot of money spent on those unhealthy means, so we review with you today a group of important tips to get the thighs and the back of the more beautiful:

1. Lift the rear:
The rear lift is necessary and important to get back more attractive, and can be achieved and mild lift the rear through the exercise of various sports, namely:

- Boxing.
- Aerobics.
- The Rise of peace "stairs".
- Exercise machines sport that is equal to the impact the rise of peace.
- Jogging.
- Sports for walking breaks.
- Bending.
- Swimming.
- Skiing.

Observe when exercise should be taken to be in the range of times to exercise any of the sports aforementioned 4 to 6 times a week so it takes time a time of 45 to 60 minutes, to help the rear of the emergence of shape perfect and tight skin without sagging or cellulite, and the best in this case, is that you are not obliged to go to the gym to achieve these features, you can do it yourself and you'll get back as perfect as you want, and additions magic you while walking sports, for example, try to climb any higher in the road interviewer and you Tdgtin on the rear step support the effect of the exercise.

2. Composition of the active muscles:
 To Valuation strain and identify breech need to get rid of muscle primary and create muscle cells muscle active ready to rebuild itself, so you practice exercises tail that focus on resistance movements forces that cause some sort of trauma and forced to combustion waves exclusively for this purpose.

3. Diet modification:
Comes to what it contains your diet with respect to the rear, if you want to reduce the size you reduce the amount of what you eat calories, eating a diet rich in nutrients balanced, such as:
- Proteins.

- High-fiber carbohydrates low sugars.

- Omega-3 health.

- Health omega-6.

- Trim the amount of fat by eating fat burning foods naturally.

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