As the majority of women would agree, keep long hair is very difficult, especially when one is dealing with such a large number of personal and professional commitments on a daily basis. This is the reason that most of us choose shorter hair. But then comes for a special occasion such as a concert or marriage, and leave us wondering "how hair grows faster?" Well, there is no short term solution for growing long hair. The only way you can not be achieved is the case with regular hair care. Hair is more healthy, and more it will grow. Here are some effective tips on how to maintain healthy hair, to make them grow faster.
Tips on how to grow hair faster
Take a healthy diet
If you want to know "how to grow hair faster and of course?", And the answer lies in making healthy, balanced diet. The diet should provide your body with all the essential nutrients, especially protein. Therefore, and include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Take dairy products and lean meat and fish regularly. If your diet lacks the vitamins in the health of the hair, you may even take a daily multivitamin to complete it.
Eating protein-rich foods
Since the hair is made of proteins, and eating a diet high in protein helps maintain healthy hair growth cycle. Therefore, there is another way to grow hair faster to include plenty of protein-rich foods in your daily diet such as beans and tofu, yogurt, wheat flour, brown rice, oats, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, celery, mushrooms, salmon, tuna, chicken, turkey and cheese and eggs.
Do you know that stress and anxiety can actually lead to hair loss? So, for all those who want to know, "How hair grows faster than men?", It is suggested to avoid stress at all costs. Daily exercise or perform yoga or do some breathing exercises to release stress, improve circulation and stimulate hair growth naturally. Make sure that the tension does not affect the body, mind and hair!
Hair Treatment gently
If you want to grow hair faster, and suggested that the deal with the hair carefully. Make sure that you do not pull them while combing or washing because it can lead to break the hair. Whenever you tie your hair, whether in a bun or pony tail 1, make sure to do so loosely. Keep your hair entangled at all times, and especially before washing, as most cuts when they are tangled hair is combed properly.
Get rid of the damaged hair
Hair to grow longer, and hair must be stronger than the first. The goals can be divided weakens the hair, so as to avoid it, and get your hair trimmed from time to time. Usually, the hair is one length unhealthy much more. So, if you can do that, it may help you get the hair thicker and longer.
Maintaining clean hair and humid
It is important to maintain a clean hair and dirty and oily hair can break very easily. If you travel to work every day, and use a mild shampoo to wash their hair every day. Herbal shampoo is better than any day chemical shampoo, so you can choose them instead. Always wash your hair with lukewarm water and not hot water, which can be devastating. If your hair once a week to keep the feed and humid. Egg yolk makes for natural air is very useful, so you can apply from 3-4 yolk eggs on your hair by massaging them in your hair and scalp. Leave on for an hour and then wash. This is one of the most effective natural remedies hair growth. Also, drink plenty of water because it also helps prevent dry hair.
Avoid chemicals / heat treatment
For the growth of healthy hair, and keep using the chemicals to a minimum of your hair. Avoid coloring, curling, straightening, and your hairdresser and all of these techniques include the use of chemicals on the hair. Thermal design is not particularly known for abuse to the structure of the hair, and therefore must be avoided at all costs. Also, let your hair dry naturally instead of using a hair dryer and use it for long periods of time can make hair dry and prone to fracture.
Take massage
Massage helps to improve blood circulation in the scalp. Using your fingertips, massage your scalp every night, in circular motions, for a few minutes. The hot oil treatment believed to be a catalyst for the growth of hair, so you can do once a month. To take massage yourself, heat coconut oil or olive oil and then applied to the scalp. Leave it on the night and then wash with shampoo herbs in the morning.
Here's hoping that now you know how to grow hair faster. Research has shown that on average, hair grows about six inches each year. However, it can hinder the growth of hair if a person is suffering from some disease or if he lost weight suddenly. For this reason, it is very important to eat well, exercise daily, and keep your body healthy, and will automatically reflect on your hair
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