Sterilize bottles and cans and glass, laboratory equipment or garden tools is not a new concept for us, but the method may differ for each item. But, what about the sterilization of garden soil or land? Well, sterilization is the only method the most reliable and to get rid of disease-causing microbes and bacteria from clothing, glassware, tools and soil until planting. It helps to kill harmful bacteria, which otherwise can attack hosts and cause infections.
Benefits sterilized soil
After continuous gardening in the same soil for several years, it is clear that the soil will contain different strains of disease-causing bacteria, fungi and viruses, insects and nematodes. Thus, the chances of infection in plants grown in the same soil is very high. Under such a situation, sterilize the soil and improves soil quality. It also helps to control weeds by making weed seeds sterile. Overall, sterilize the soil does not provide a lot of time and reduces the headaches in the future in the garden. No wonder, food growers and farmers prefer to plant the seeds and seedlings planted in sterile soil.
How to sterilize potting soil?
Container gardening using soil sterile approach is easy to maintain healthy plants. You can either plant seeds or seedlings planted directly into pots containing sterile soil. Unfortunately, the potting mix described as sterile and usually comes along with the eggs of insects, and fungi in soil and weed seeds. Therefore, it is good to sterilize the soil at home with simple steps. As for the process, it is easy and most importantly, the amount of soil to be treated is manageable. And explain the steps to sterilize soil yourself below.
* Such other sterilization methods, and uses heat to make the soil sterile. We can sterilize the soil at home using gas stove or oven. In both cases, and the preparatory steps remain the same. Therefore, you can choose a convenient way.
* If you are preparing homemade potting mix, to do what is required of mixing, add peat moss, manure and compost to the soil. And should be the final amount would be a perfect 5 cups. Media ready-potting, you can proceed directly to the next step.
* Fill potting mix in a roasting bag. Pour some water (about 1 cup) in a bag and mix thoroughly to make the soil moist (not soggy or wet). Connecting bag correctly with chain and allow it to settle more than baking bread bowl or meal.
* The next step is to poke 2-3 small holes in the upper side of the bag. These holes allow steam to escape freely and help reduce pressure buildup inside the bag. In one of the holes, you can insert a meat thermometer, so as to reach the soil.
* One word of caution about soil sterilization is that the temperature of the oven or grill should not exceed 180F. If a temperature reading higher than allowable limit said, some of the components of the soil turns harmful to plants.
* If you are using the oven, set the temperature and wait for some time, or even read the thermometer touches 180F. As for the sterilization of soil on a gas stove, it may take about 2 - 2 hours to reach the desired temperature sterilization.
* Make sure to maintain strict control on the temperature reading. You can continue to sterilize the soil at 180 degrees for half an hour or so. Soil removal from the oven or grill, and let it cool for some time.
How to sterilize soil garden?
Sterilize the soil is the standard way of organic agriculture. For a new gardener, you may make the soil sterile garden seems a strange thing and challenge. But, not so, and you can achieve the same thing with the basic instructions. Over here, and uses heat and sunlight to kill the microbes in the soil bone. And this method is known as sterilization or solar insolation (exposure to sunlight meaning). If you want to sterilize the soil by solarization garden, and refer to the step-by-step guidelines that follow.
* This is done best this process during the summer, when the temperature reading day at its peak. As expected, the solar disinfection of garden soil takes longer in cold regions. First and foremost, get rid of those unwanted weeds and remove large debris.
* Rototill in garden soil, you want to sterilize. If you can not deal with it, you can skip this step plowing. Well water in the soil, and to make sure that the water to seep into the depth of 18 inches. After this, covering the entire region with a sheet of clear plastic.
* To reform the plastic in place, you can put a large brick in the middle and sides. Leave plastic for two weeks at least 4. But, if the cold climate in your area, to extend the period of sterilization to 1 - 2 months.
* For effective solarization to take place, and the recommended temperature is 114F. You can check the temperature inside the plastic sheet, and see if it was up to the desired temperature or not. And accordingly, you can adjust the period of solar disinfection.
* Now, sterilized topsoil layer. For the best results, and consider shifting soil. Water evenly and then cover with another sheet of plastic. Plastic weigh both sides and continue for two weeks solarization 4 (1 - 2 months for cold areas).
In fact, gardening and proceeded with sterile soil is a sure way to prevent diseases that are transmitted through the soil and weed growth. But, the story of The downside is, it kills microbes are very useful, and which are responsible for soil nutrient enrichment. Therefore, to replenish the beneficial bacteria and micro-organisms, you can supplement the soil with sufficient quantities of manure. Good care of your garden plants, and will grow with franchise least problems
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