
If you follow the diet allows you to eat low-fat dairy products do not limit the intake of these products, there is a preliminary study confirms that gets most of what he needs from eating calcium (about 1300 mg per day) fall has a chance of obesity by 80%
In exchange of daily take only 225 mg of calcium. In another study, researchers found that mice that you get what you need per day of calcium accumulates in Ogesmha less fat than those fat accumulated in the bodies of mice that get less calcium.

Azad much fiber intake

That the consumption of lots of fruits and vegetables Watt and whole grains will help you eat less food, because this plant foods contain a large amount of fiber that fill the stomach quickly. Experts stress that each gram fiber intake instead of simple carbohydrates (such as sugary foods) leads to reduce the number of calories consumed by up to 7 calories. So, if you increase the amount of fiber consume from 10 or 15 grams is the degree to which the average person consumes to 26 grams you'll save yourself 100 calories.

Some foods rich in fiber

Amount of food fiber (gm)

½ cup green peas (boiled) 7.3 to 4.4
Medium-sized apple fruit (raw and peeled) 3.7
5 fruits dried apricots 3
Finger average banana 2.8
Thmrtan fresh figs 3.2
Full fruit fresh mango 3.7
Medium-sized fruit orange 3
Medium-sized fruit fresh pear 4.4
½ cup lentils (cooked) 7.8
10 fruits plum 6
½ cup chickpeas (cooked) 6.2

"Book overcome the weight"

Diet program contains a high proportion of fiber

Breakfast daily: -

Choose any of the following
1 - toast + teaspoon jam diet
2 - ½ cup orange juice (small) + 2 tablespoons night or Korn Felix + small cup skimmed milk
3 - cup orange juice + chip biscuits diet

Daily diet: -

Choose any of the following

1 - 1 slice toast + boiled vegetables + fruit
2 - cheese Quraish + 2 toast diet + 2 Tmamt +1 option
3 - 2 slice toast diet + a can of tuna or a small sardine box + salad + fruit.

Dinner daily: -

Choose any of the following: -

1 - toast + 4 tablespoons Fava Beans + green salad
2 - issued slice chicken + 1 boiled potatoes + salad
3 - 1 egg + 3 tablespoons Fava Beans + green salad.

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