Walking Health

Walking is one of the best kinds of sports that you can start your sports especially if you are not engaged in sport previously ..
All you need to start is comfortable shoes and comfortable cotton clothes,
The first you need to walk for 10-15 minutes and then gradually increase the duration of each week until you reach 45 minutes a day at a rate three to five times a week. Even walking can be useful must be a quick walk-by-step to increase heart rate to slow the rate required Walking does not result in the intended purpose if the person walks, for example, quickly 2 miles per hour, the energy consumption of an average 120-240 kcal / hour.
But when you walk quickly 4 miles / hour, the energy consumption of up to 360-420 kcal / hour. To increase the interest of walking, try to walk in the way of a simple high That would lead to an increase in the effort and increase the heart rate. There is no harm in walking contrary to some kinds of sports that may lead to injuries, God forbid.

The hiking sport easy and simple, it is estimated by the small, the big sound, and sick correct, healthy and sick, which itself enjoyable and entertaining, especially if he chooses owner and Hawiyeha natural places appropriate Kaltmshee in the gardens under the shade of trees, or on the shore of the sea or rivers.

Vtdfa the beauty of nature with meditation in the ability of the Creator and praise and praise for the blessing of personal pleasure. And hiking and jogging useful to all members of the body, since recent studies have proved useful in:

1 - treatment of cardiovascular diseases: saluting the heart patients are advised gradual walking and jogging, and that they lead to: A - strengthen the heart muscle and increase cardiac output effective.

- Reduce and reduce harmful fats and cholesterol in the body.

C - increase the proportion of fat protective against atherosclerosis and beneficial for the body.

2 - Treating Hypertension: where a lot of studies have shown the feasibility of the treatment of high blood pressure light and medium intensity walking and jogging daily for a period of one to two hours, even without resorting to drugs in many cases.

3 - treatment of obesity and overweight: where is with diet cornerstone in the treatment of obesity, and burn significant amounts of calories and calories contained the body.

And the first and primary role to maintain weight and firmness, and continue daily to walk.

4 - treat muscle pain, articular: where lead to softening and ease of movement and activity of the joints and breadth of their effectiveness in addition to muscle relaxant and flexibility with ease tension and cramping, which was, and also strengthen bearing muscles and joints.

5 - treat indigestion and spasm of the colon syndromes and chronic constipation, where they help to bowel movement and pain relief Colony Add to alleviate gas and feeling bloated and nausea. With al-emptying of the colon.

6 - help in the process of normal breathing to strengthen breathing muscles and pectoral muscles, which increases lung capacity and blood gas exchanges and thus the effectiveness of breathing and improve lung function in many chronic respiratory diseases.

The important benefit of this sport simple light to get used to it rights and program almost daily or weekly without interruption and can use the time to walk through reviewing some small books, read, or memorizing the Quran and review or mention God, and thus is associated with God in addition to the benefit of physical.

Sports and your exposure to risk, namely:

Not practicing walking in the streets or sidewalks, especially at night and without lights.
Face Sir. If you want to engage in sports walking in the streets, especially at night illuminated signs must be worn or radioactive.
Not engaged treadmill alone, especially if you have health problems such as heart disease and vascular (diabetes - high blood pressure and cholesterol)
A small meal before walking (half an hour) if you have diabetes.
Engaged in sports not walk in the streets at noon in summer and during dust and humidity.
Not engaged treadmill in polluted streets by cars and factories smoke and prefer to walk in the early morning or late in the evening.
Not engaged in walking under the sun or when the sun is perpendicular to the ground.
Warnings and instructions

Likes to expect with the beginning of sports programs outbreaks indicate that there are errors in the way or method of sports training, even if the player or trainee luck in a heartbeat at the desired rate by testing individual exercises so as not to take into account weather conditions and different environment or competition, and These warnings come with the possibility of the appearance of symptoms is satisfactory during training or after training between (2-24) hours and work for the prevention or treatment or mitigation of performance or effort in training the next.

So when the onset of symptoms resulting from physical exertion in different places of the body and of importance the following procedure:

Red: You should check with your doctor and not to continue the sports program.
Green: temporarily stopped training and check with your doctor.
Yellow: you can cure yourself without reference to a doctor and continue training.

Instructions and tips

Before starting the program treadmill requires taking into account the following:

Wear sports clothes suitable for walking and by the weather (summer and winter).
The performance of physical preparation exercises (warm-up) before beginning a walking program.
Perform relaxation exercises (truce) at the end of a walking program.
Perform some exercises that lead to the strengthening of the muscles and lengthened.
To benefit requires the withdrawal or abdominal liposuction inside while walking with ease breathing.
Must take into account the following facts:

Know the distance prescribed for walking.
Knowledge of the time period to cover the distance.
Knowledge of the number of iterations to cover the distance.
Find the rest periods between each repetition.
Refer to the instructions and medical advice.
Return to the warm-up exercises and calm.
And finally to you these tips:
Do not drive your car for a distance of less than a kilometer and one at the performance of the day-to-day business.
Select a place away for your car in attitudes in order to walk the distance estimates.
Try to walk a great distance every day when performing your daily at home and at work.
Always avoid using elevators for the rise to the top and prefer to ride on the stairs and do not forget if you appreciate that run not walk, and if you appreciate to walk does not stand, and if you appreciate that stands not sit, and if you appreciate that sits not Tdtdja , and do not forget to say the prevailing (March sport and enjoy happiness and health and fitness).

Errors in a walking program

Walking on combs over distance or period of walking instead of walking on foot in full.

Walking very slowly and that did not work to raise the heart (physiological arousal).

Walk without wearing the right shoes to practice walking.

Walking and wearing heavy clothing and dark, especially in the summer.

Wear sneakers or shoes that have a high heel (women).

Walking with cover your nose and mouth.

Walking with moving trunk aside or walking direction Almhtin outside instead of forward.

Walking with the withdrawal of the feet with the ground.

Walking and stopping from time to time and without access to provoke physiological.

Walking with no natural regularity breathing.

Eating snack foods while walking.

Failure to follow a balanced diet with a walking program objectives.

Regularity and continuity

Regularity and continuity in the sport of walking is very important to ensure access to health fitness and physical, psychological, and you can expect the results of practicing walking after weeks and change your sense and feel better your health, psychological, and physical and become walking part of your daily schedule, which does not want salvation them.

And remember well that in the beginning you will encounter some difficulties, especially in the summer and in hot weather and dust, or Ancgalk your business and therefore requires that associated with friends and colleagues or join clubs and sports centers and ask for help from others in the field of sports and nutrition in the development of your goals for the walking program and tried to put a good time to practice the treadmill of your daily schedule and change your steps and place practicing walking between period and another, and finally with others participated in competitions organized for the purpose of walking sport for all.
According to a new study published in the journal Science rheumatism specialist, said medical and surgical specialists that sport the best way to ease the pain caused by arthritis which affects Great knee.
He found those that exercise ground walking, relieve pain and improve mobility in patients with arthritis Great in the knee, which is a disease associated with aging and progress in age, but may appear when young, and happens when you begin joints Balbly and decomposition over time or when infected damaged result of trauma or wounds. The doctors pointed out that the main symptoms of the disease is in joint pain and hardening, which hinders full and cause disability, and often subject Arthritis Great hips artificial hip replacement operations. The results revealed after analysis of nine studies, which track conditions satisfactory to about 1633 people, and sports habits, for that sport moderate, especially walking, positive impact on the joints and relieve pain and hardening, and improved motor functions when the patient significantly. Exercise reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Meanwhile, researchers said that walking for four hours a week may reduce by 04 percent women's risk of hip fractures resulting from osteoporosis.
It is good news for women who fear the risk of adjuvant therapy hormone study found that just walking for an hour a day or running three hours per week provides the same protection provided by hormone therapy against hip fracture.
And between one-third of U.S. adults aged 65 years or more who fall each year cause hip fractures in the largest number of deaths and in the most serious health problems. And infected more than 300 thousand people a year in the hip fracture.
Studies show that walking and running Abtian the loss of calcium in bones, one of the main reasons for osteoporosis. Researchers said in the latest issue of the Journal of American Medical Council they have studied the case of more than 61 thousand women aged between 04 and 77 years.
The researchers concluded that women who Zaweln walking or running or Qmn similar exercises were less likely than the fractured thigh injury over the past 12 years. Hormone therapy may reduce the risk of osteoporosis, but increases the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer
Before embarking on the exercise of this sport must answer the following questions, and that there was an answer yes must see a doctor before walking:

- Do you have heart problems?
- Do you have pain in the chest, hand or neck or shoulder when you exercise?
- Do you have dizziness or nausea constantly?
- Do you have trouble breathing after doing a particular activity?
Are you infected with high blood pressure?
- Do you have problems with bones, ligaments or joints?
- Are age 50 or older and you have not any effort by the athlete?
- Do you have a membership problem did not mention Salva and believes she opposes hiking?

How to start walking

- Must choose a safe and appropriate place
- Find someone who shares Walking
- Must buy a comfortable pair of walking shoes
- Wear cotton casual wear comfortable
- Start Baltrig Atdguet muscles
- Exercise 3 times a week at least every week ANZ period of 2-3 minutes.


Department of your practice to walk into three sections:
- The first 5 minutes: You must exercise stretching even stimulate your body and your muscles
- Your practice time for hiking: must walk at a relatively fast pace.
- Last 5 minutes: must walk slowly to restore your heart back to normal.

Security principles

We know that security is in the hands of God, but took the grounds and trust in God
- March your sport in the day or night, but lighted place.
- March your sport with a group of people
- Do not put ears headphones while walking
- Not with your head held high with flat back
- First, position the heel of your feet and then fingers
- Weighted your hand as you walk

Of the benefits of walking

- Increase your activity and vitality
- Do you feel comfortable and happy
- Reduce Aaltotr and stress
- Makes you sleep easily and deeply
- Polished and strengthens Aladilah
- Distributes fat in the body which gives you a consistent body
- Raise the rate of your calorie consumption, which helps in weight loss

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