The latter part of the dietary behavior modification program

How to deal with the balance?
When you start a program to lose weight interested person follow-up weight in a continuous manner and may become a kind of frustration when observed weight or increased stability must be subject to the following:

1 must be interval to know weight ranging from ten days to two weeks for that during this period clearly shows the difference in weight.

2 to be in the balance and weight one even deviate from the difference between the balances to be inaccurate.

3 to be a time of weight at one time and better the morning after waking up because the weight is affected by eating food or drinking.

4 to be one place and balance because the nature of the ground may have an impact on weight change.

5 is not important final outcome in weight but important components weight Programme modify dietary behavior depends on the weight increase fluids and muscle at the expense of grease has diminished Gross weight five kilometers and when detail we find that the grease eased as much as eight kilometers a lack of required and increased fluids and muscle three kilometers an increase required especially the lack of grease be apparent because the size of one kilo of fat is equal to the size of three kilos of muscle, and this explains the high weights athletes with that they do not appear to increase obesity.

6 low weight varies from one person to another, because it depends on the rate of weight gain for normal, sex, age.

Factors Help in Weight Loss

The many who wants to reduce the weight factors help without interest amending dietary behavior or physical activity, for ease addressed a unit is enough to lose weight and be such an influential clearly, we find that the impact side lead to health damage to the person, factors help but are helping with other factors in weight loss and are not sufficient alone to lose weight, and factors include:

1 apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar natural and not artificial and this usually there when Goods herbs and Attarin, which helps to burn fat and how eating a spoon or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water lukewarm with a spoonful of honey is natural and drinking after waking up and before each meal that enable a person than that.

2 bran flour

He no shops at the bakers and deals with one tablespoon of bran flour with a glass of water before each meal which achieves two things:

A / absorption of fatty juices secreted by the stomach before a meal, which causes the body only secretion other fatty sap.

B / bran flour when mixed with water swells, leading to fill part of the stomach, which contributes to reduce human eating.

3 soup fat Holocaust

It is a soup (broth) consists of celery and green onions and Hbhr cool and tomatoes with salt and cook the same way as the meat, and is addressed visible and one of them before the main meal a day, which helps in weight loss because of an article in a tree celery burns fat.

This does not mean leaving address factors help because of some inhibitions Turk full but careful person in maintaining as much as possible.

Alternative health food

Which helps the success of dietary behavior modification program to be when a person jurisprudence in the selection of health food alternative that does not contribute to the increase of obesity and the following:

1 Choose non-fat food or low-fat milk and milk, yogurt and cheese.

2 try to minimize the entry of bread in many diets though his heart needs to be alternative bran bread.

3 Non-Eating too much red meat and replace it with white meat, especially chicken breast meat if that is necessary, red meat is meat footnote because it is less red meat, fatty substances.

4 minimize the intake of sugars in food and replace corn sugar because it does not have any calories.

5 eat more vegetables and leafy greens except potatoes because of the high percentage of carbohydrates, either individually or authority or broth so that they are an essential part in the daily meal eaten before the main meal.

It should be diversification in the method of preparation of power or the stock so that no person enters the type of boredom to the large dealt with caution from entering certain substances that increase in obesity in the preparation of such authority fries, Almanez, labneh, corn and so on.

6 reduce the cooking method of preparation Bakulai and replaced manner barbecuing and boiling to reduce the proportion of fat in the food.

7 Some think that eating nuts of all kinds in any quantity has nothing to do with obesity and this is not true as nuts contain a high percentage of fat should be dealt with the kind of settings they are useful in terms of Ahtwaha the proportion of large protein should be quantitative intake of them in boundaries (50 ) grams per day, which is equivalent to almost one full stop.

8 limit the intake of soft drinks and to Ahtwaha caffeine is a diuretic, which causes reduction of fluid in the body, as well as the ratio of sugars high in soft drinks, the heart needs for soft drinks do not exceed two or three times a week and eating Diet Coke instead of cola regular and that they are less sugars.

9 benefit from the diet in some corner large food stores because they contain appropriate alternative food diet program like Shaboura, and jam a little sugar, and low-fat cheese and so on.

10 Some people think that eating meals popular Kalqrassan Almrkoq AllAfrica Hanini and others have nothing to do with increasing obesity and this is not true because the land but less effect in obese white flour only be eaten without specifying quantities affect the increase of obesity.

11 eat all leafy greens and vegetables except potatoes in any quantity has no effect in increasing obesity it is a healthy food and has a very large impact on the safety of the digestive tract

12 Some people think that eating fruits any amount has nothing to do with obesity and this

Is incorrect because it contains a high percentage of sugars and can be tuned to

Everyone has the right to eat five servings of fruit a day, and fruit in a way quotas are divided where each number represents one share according to the following schedule:

Healthy way of eating

1 broken Avoid using a appetite in eating like chilli and warm Alhbhr.

2 Do not neglect eating one of the main meals.

3 sure to eat your main meals at the same times every day.

4 which helps not a lot of eating during good meal chewing and eating slowly let your distress enjoy eating way more than you enjoy eating itself.

5 When eating sure that you first start drinking the amount of water and then food that has the fiber, such as power and broth vegetables and then food where there are starches such as rice or fats such as meat, because drinking water and eating fiber is healthy meals Beginning reduces a lot of eating carbohydrates and fats is unhealthy meals.

6 eating food where there are sugars such as fruit juice and soft drinks after taking physical exercise

7 originally in dietary behavior modification program that there is a general controls in determining the quality of meals covered by the person and keen to assist in identifying meals extension has been added in p. 16 determines the quality of the proposed food per meal, which is not mandatory does not address the other person.

Principle skill dysfunction treatment to get rid of the obstacles to the implementation of the program

Often leads weak skill to get rid of obstacles to the implementation program or the so-called eating food forbidden to kind of frustration and a sense of failure, which goes back on the program to fail and not continue with it, while the behavior modification food depends on the lack of a sense of guilt because it is not based on the principle of deprivation, but you want to have the skill to get rid of the problem and because

Cause weight gain that deals with human food gives him more energy than it consumes, resulting in that the body is spared excess energy as fat which increases the weight, it must be trying to get rid of excess energy through the following /

1 increase physical activity the next day if you exercise athletic activity for an hour can increase it to an hour and a half.

2 rigor in the application of the program in the next day Belhd of fats and sugars and starches.

3 advantage when a meal high in fat of grain allocated to break down fat and out outside the body and that pills (Znekal) because of its advantages they do not interact with the body but confined its focus on meal designated only, and will be dealt with before eating or during or immediately after, but should take into account as follows:

A / not taking these pills only when eating high-fat diets.

B / not a lot of handling and it is a treat to resolve the problem and not original to get rid of fat.

C / These pills help in getting rid of fat and does not help to get rid of starches and sugars.

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