To maintain a semblance of youth depends on your lifestyle

Aging challenge the facts of life and we are all moving in the age and show us the signs of aging with time, but do you know that the appearance of your body and keep manifestations of young people depend on your lifestyle and how you deal with your body more than it depends on the genetic factors

If you Taataajabin why retains some manifestations of youth more than others Think about a good way of life
This questionnaire to see if your body Older you:

(1) how many times live sports weekly (The including walking)

(A) at least three times a week
(B) very rarely I have no time for that
(C) I used to exercise once a week

(2) Which of the following descriptions apply to your diet?

(A) try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily. But I sometimes eat some chocolate or chips. And about twice a week Otaatnol and quick meal.
(B) a whole lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and meat Madhoun, fish, rice and pasta sometimes eat snacks from breakfast cereals
(C) I do not like eating breakfast, but I eat before noon some chips or candy at lunch eat a meal of meat roasted or hamburger dinner eat a plate of pasta

(3) what beverages daily

(A) a lot of water about six or seven cups a day and often Otaatnol decaffeinated coffee or a cup of herbal tea
(B) about five cups of coffee a day sometimes cola
(C) two cups of tea and coffee a day with two cups of water and juice

(4) What is the closest description of your habits in the sun exposure?

(A) Always use cream and protection from the sun high degree of protection and generally I dont much sun exposure
(B) I love the sun a lot and used the cream and low-grade protection
(C) not to جازه we spend in sunny places used cream and highly protective, but I do not use these creams on ordinary days

(5) What is the size of the pressures that The Age

(A) I feel pressure in many not khat
(B) in Ghalib not qat I feel I control things well
(C) Some days I feel I'm not able to cope with the pressures and other days I feel that things are going well

(6) How many hours getting every night to sleep

(A) I sleep for about eight hours every night to sleep comfortable
(B) sleep about six or seven hours a night sometimes I find it difficult to sleep and woke up at night
(C) slept about five hours or less in nts and woke up several times every night

What is the appropriate description for your health?

(A) Average sometimes hit a cold or mild headache or sore I was times some health problems
(B) bad at all times I have almost no health problem
(C) I have no good serious health problems just a cold or headache that another

(8) Are injured some seriously ill family members

(A) Yes osteoporosis and high blood pressure
(B) No
(C) Yes, diabetes and heart disease

(9) How would you describe the size of your body

(A) appropriate increase of about eight kilos
(B) I think that my weight is suitable for longitudinal
(C) my weight a little more appropriate

(10) How would you describe your Oslo in your skin care

(A) Use detergent and moisturizer twice a day and peeled the skin once a week and use anti-wrinkle cream
(B) normally used soap and water to clean my skin
(C) try to use cleaner and humidifier daily

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Now, after not confronted the previous questions know the grades obtained by

(1) (a) = 3 (b) = 1 (c) = 2
(2) (a) = 3 (b) = 2 (c) = 1
(3) (a) = 2 (b) = 3 (c) = 1
(4) (a) = 3 (b) = 1 (c) = 2
(5) (a) = 3 (b) = 1 (c) = 2
(6) (a) = 1 (b) = 3 (c) = 2
(7) (a) = 3 (b) = 2 (c) = 1
(8) (a) = 2 (b) = 1 (c) = 3
(9) (a) = 2 (b) = 3 (c) = 1
(10) (a) = 1 (b) = 3 (c) = 2

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Now that you have gathered the grades obtained by you to know whether your body will retain its youth for a long time or that you should enter some big changes to your lifestyle

_ If the grades obtained from 24 to 36:
Van appearance seems more youthful than your age time and often attached some around this sense Obviously you know how Thtmin yourself well Keep your lifestyle and your care of yourself and your health and Domi to practice your sport, but you must take into account that the exercises and violent excess of the limit her damage, including problems joints and keep in the style of care in human beings

_ If your score is between 16 and 23
You look at your age normal or less than a few years and your health generally good but appropriate to make some changes to your lifestyle if you want to maintain your youth, for example should تستعملي moisturizer for your skin contains antioxidant to the sun and Zaidi from eating Alfokh, fresh vegetables and Exercise regularly

If your score from 12 to 15
You often look bigger than your age real and perhaps you already have some health problems should repeat your thinking radically in your diet and Observe that any change although small has its usefulness and Cut down drinking coffee and tea and eat candy and go in your some exercise

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