To pray for the appropriate weight by step alone

The weight depends on the health of your body, so to Vmhafeztk weight and not gain more calories positively affect your health and strength of your body. If .. Are you interested in maintaining a healthy weight steady, and healthy body and supple skin??
These are some points that may help you get started so ..

Identify the goal of your plan.
If you d have to pray to your ideal weight, put a great goal as you keep your health from diseases as diabetes, stress and obesity ..
Put a small target as Being Rashid texture and beautiful ..
Remember this during your career goals help you a lot to Tkmla walk.

Put your own plan for food.
Try to eat every day from all groups of the food pyramid in quantities suitable for you.
Connie specialist yourself, choose for yourself the best food and healthy foods than skin Bhaoua and body strength.
Although I do not know, go to Dietitian to put you dietary plan works best for you.

Eat at least three meals at regular times each day.
If you start a diet that does not mean to eat one meal a day, but you have to eat 3 meals at specific times each day.
Studies have shown that eating 3 regular meals a day helps you maintain your weight.
And give you the energy needed to complete your day vitality and activity.

Rep your plate
Any ::
Make a quarter plate of fruit
The other quarter of the vegetables
The third of lean meat or fish
The last of a group of carbohydrates
And next to a cup of milk or yogurt or a piece of cheese or medium-fat-free.

Start your meal with food calories least like fruits or vegetables or salads
These contain nutrients (vitamins and minerals) that your body needs badly, as it fills your stomach will not eat a lot of rice or bread.
The Glory of God when he said in Surat incident: (and which يتخيرون fruit. Flesh of fowls that they desire (
The fruit flesh feet .. Oh Hallelujah

Focus on your meal
Try to eat your meal away from the TV or PC or any comedies, you may eat more than you imagine and you were watching your favorite series,
Try also to put your food in a bowl \ dish medium or small in size, it helps you to feel that you ate and ate my fill of small dish
Fadfa you feeling better than to eat and finish your food on a large platter.

Tnnbha while you eat the amount that you need
Stop eating before you feel full.
Vaklk needs 20 minutes until it had received the message that you dealt with any food after 20 minutes will send your mind that you are satiated.
So overall it slowly eats quickly eats a lot and Aamadga well Qmtk and Hallelujah when he learned his messenger Hadi said ::
"The people of satiety in this world are those who hunger tomorrow in the Hereafter"
Almighty said :: "Eat and drink but waste not by extravagance that he does not love the extravagant"

Eat fiber
Fiber is very important they help you feel full and protect you from heart disease and sprayer mellitus Vadkhalaha to your food plan.
Can you get fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Thagafi diet
Read about the food rations and the number of calories in them.
This is the key to reach your goal and your weight ideal.

Choose and light meals (snacks) intelligently
After that put your food plan may feel hungry between now and then .. Try to infect a few snack calories

And Lázně between your and your diet
Sports in general are very important for your health and in shape, plus it helps to stabilize your weight and reduce your rate of heart disease.
Try that Tmarsa sports daily for a period of not less than 30 minutes, or 3 times a week for an hour.
Choose a sport you do like to go on and try that Tnoaa between sports in order to increase his pleasure during your practice sport.

Make sure your food plan
Make sure that your food plan contains the following ::
Do you have food from all five food groups in the food pyramid??
Do you have an integer number of food rations that's right for you??
Is your food plan make you happy and Ststmra to the rest of your life??
Do you have athletic activity Mt, gives vital and يكسبك activity??
If all your answers (yes) Congratulations to you .. Fajttk food will take you to a healthy weight and perfect.

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