Ways to protect the weight

In winter shown Allmat abound pastries and desserts and Alkikat
As well as increase the weights

To try to reduce binge winter but some tips
1 - you return to eating slowly This is the best way to agility without the need for a tough diet
Make time for the meal does not exceed 20 minutes
2 - increased hours of sleep at night for an extra hour helps to lose 6 kg per year
Any half a kilo a month and this has been demonstrated in other studies
3 - my feet on Ashaúki dish three types of vegetables
Whether raw or cooked without fat Valkhaddroat and fruits of the best ways for fevers
4 - useful warm winter soups and rich in vitamins help a lot Balhmyat
5 - full grain refugees are Tharki satiety quickly and Teixpka fewer calories It's also useful for cholesterol
6 - Be careful to not get him sandwich stuffed with cheese and mayonnaise and fat and Astabi them with slices of tomatoes or cucumbers or what you prefer
7 - Astabi stuffing pizza Bamufrom, meat and Astbdlleha vegetables This helps you lose 100 calories

8 - laid off sugar in beverages or try to downgrade
9 - Use long Cuba and Riqiqallasaúr to drink less
10 - waived herdsman red, Alnskaver and coffee and Astbdlleha green tea it helps to burn fat
11 - Try it Ttbaka some of yoga is to help you follow the diet Labaki
12 - Try Tamadga strong mint flavor gum during Mshahdtki television or in your spare time Vtstgne for Fast Food

14 - walking for 20 minutes (helps burn 100 calories)
15 - Finally Hang one Fassatenk favorite place can you see him every day to keep up on your weight

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