What is crohns disease, lets see what the experts have to say

Crohn's Disease is a digestive system disease. It is also known as an autoimmune disease because it occurs when your immune system attacks your gastrointestinal tract.
crohns disease

Now based on those two statements alone, any rational person should be able to assume that this is a curable disease. Curable because you can choose what you put into your mouth and thereby choose what will not make it into your intestinal tract.

And if that is the case, why are millions of people still suffering from the appalling effects of Crohn's Disease? Well, lets see what the experts have to say.

Most doctors will tell you that the actual cause of Crohn's Disease is unknown and that there is no cure, as they continue to prescribe pill after deadly pill to treat the rashes, sore throats, diarrhea, severe muscle pain, weakness, cramps, vomiting and headaches. Yet most people who obediently swallow these pills and explanations, rarely get better and some have even reported getting sicker over time. So what, exactly, do we know about Crohn's Disease?

The Intestinal Tract

We know that the intestinal tract has well over 400 different species of bacteria. They begin to develop in the human body with the first sip of our mother's milk. Some are helpful, some are harmful, and some are both, yet indispensable to a healthy digestive system.

All of these bacteria exist in the intestine of a healthy person in peace and harmony. Each doing the job it was programmed to do as long as they are in balance. Crohn's Disease occurs when this balance is disturbed. So what could possibly disturb this not-so-delicate balance? An overabundance of any one specific bacteria is usually the culprit.

One of our most beloved comfort-food groups, carbohydrates, jual jam play an enormous role in feeding certain bacteria in our digestive tract. Carbohydrates that are not fully digested and absorbed will remain in our stomachs and become food for the bacteria living there. These microbes digest this unused food using fermentation. By definition, fermentation is the conversion of carbohydrates into alcohols or acids under anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic simply means airless.

The problem arises from the waste products of this process. Fermentation in the stomach produces gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. It also produces lactic acid and acetic acid as well as other toxins as by-products. These are all irritants to the human body. Evidence shows that feeding some of the benign and helpful bacteria in this way may cause them to mutate into the more harmful types.

As the well-fed bacteria continues to multiply, the fermentation process increases and so does your bodily discomfort. As the situation worsens, natural enzymes in the stomach that aid in food digestion are destroyed by the bacteria, which greatly aids the bacteria in its quest to grow as large as it possibly can.

As this condition begins to spiral out of control, the brain sends a signal to your white blood cells to lock and load. But by the time the cavalry arrives, the protective layer of mucus surrounding the small intestine is gone and the small intestine is laid bare. The last defense between what we eat and our bloodstream has been breached.

The chronic pain has set in. The diarrhea has started. And the disease has begun.

The Cure
So now, in acute pain and weak because you can't keep anything jual jam tangan down, nor anything in, you see your doctor and he tells you that you have Crohn's Disease and there is no cure. As he dutifully prescribes you six different medications for your myriad of symptoms, you accept this diagnosis and begin trying to rearrange the rest of your life near a bathroom.

Sore throat from allergies

There are three causes sore throat. Respectively due to infection, irritation, and from allergies. Symptoms may include pain in the part, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, coughing, and fever.

Allergies from food can cause a sore throat reaction. In addition, the sore throat is often experienced by those who are allergic to certain fruits and processed products, such as juice. Be careful, not all the juice is safe for people who experience recurrent sore throat, because of allergies. Frequent coughing and sore throat. Most often it in tomato juice.
Sore throat from allergies

Cooking oil, also a frequent cause of allergies and cause sore throat. People who are allergic to cooking oil should always change the oil every time you fry.

Allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction to people who have it. This can be caused by various things, such as food and beverages, certain drugs, weather, and dust. Substances that cause allergies are called allergens. If this is entered into the patient's body, your body will release substances that cause allergies. Consequently, certain reactions, such as itching, cough, or sore throat.

Some people have a history of allergy to some foods or beverages such as: nuts, eggs, fish, fried food, soft drinks, alcohol and ice. Some are allergic to dust, animal dander, cold weather and so on. Compounds of allergy-causing substances (allergens) will be recognized by the body as foreign. It can not be treated because it is inherited from birth. The best way to avoid allergic reactions is to avoid the cause and improve or maintain endurance. The better the endurance, the lower the sensitivity levels that cause reactions, such as allergies from sore throat.

How to heal a sore throat?

How to heal a sore throat? Most of the causes of sore throats are viral, not bacterial that can be cured by antibiotics. So basically, to heal a sore throat can be done using natural ingredients, without drugs.
heal a sore throat

• If your sore throat is severe, until the voice disappeared, do not worry. Treat with eating half cooked pineapple fruit. Then peel them clean, but do not be washed, then shredded and filtered to take water. drink!

• Take 1 tablespoon squeezed lime, mix 1 tablespoon grated ginger juice, add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirring until smooth, then drink. Do this 2 times a day (morning and night) a few days, surely your throat will feel better soon.

• Compressed your throat with a cloth soaked in warm water. You could also try a mixture of warm chamomile tea: Mix 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers in 1 or 2 cups boiling water, let stand for 5 minutes. Insert a clean cloth or towel into the tea, squeeze the water, then place it into your throat. Lift the cloth when it's cold and repeat until you feel better.

• Salt plaster may also help reduce pain. Combine 2 cups of sea salt into 5 or 6 tablespoons lukewarm water. Its salt should be moist but not too wet. Put the salt in the middle of a dish towel, then scroll through and tutupkan laps around the neck. Cover with a dry cloth or other dry dish towel. Let until you feel comfortable.

• Try to inhale steam to relieve pain. Circulate hot water in your bath place, then put a towel around your head to block the steam, lean into the bath water drain while still hot. Inhale deeply through your mouth and nose for 5-10 minutes. Repeat several times a day.

• Coconut oil is a natural antimicrobial. This oil can kill all kinds of pathogenic organisms when consumed or applied to the body. Warm 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil and massage into the body once or twice a day. In addition, can also be used when cooking. Coconut oil is a source of energy for the body.

• Sugar weakens the immune system and aggravate the disease. Therefore, it is better avoided. Processed foods containing refined carbohydrates, trans fats, additives that are harmful to health also has the same effect. So, it is better to avoid them.

• The body spends a considerable amount of energy to digest food. Therefore, you should avoid heavy meals and replace them with soup, vegetable or lemon juice without sugar. That way the body can store more energy and use it to fight the disease. This type of fasting diet like this will speed recovery.

Another thing to note to heal a sore throat

• Use pain relievers to relieve sore throat
• Gargling with warm salt water
• Drink plenty of fluids
• Increase consumption of vitamin C that can be obtained from fruits and vegetables
• Consumption of foods rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, fish oil, olive oil, and avocados are also good for sore throat
• Reduce pain in the throat in a natural way, ie drinking a glass of warm milk mixed with one teaspoon of honey
• If a chronic sore throat, cut the things that cause irritation such as the use of the humidifier by your bed
• Quitting smoking
• Reduce drinking alcohol

Understanding Sore Throat Pharyngitis Disease

       Sore throat (pharyngitis) is a thickening or swelling of the throat wall, colored red, no white spots painful when swallowing food.
Pharyngitis is divided into 2 (two), namely:

a. Acute pharyngitis
       Febri throat is inflammation caused by viral organisms almost 70%. Streptokokkus group A is the most common bacterial organisms are related to acute pharyngitis.

       Uncomplicated viral infection usually disappear but soon, within 3-10 days of onset suit. However, pharyngitis caused by more virulent bacteria such as group A streptokokkus is more severe illness during the acute phase, and much more penging because of the danger of complications incident. This complication termasukl Sinuitis, otitis media, abscesses peritonsilan, kastidis, adenitis cervical, rheumatic fever and refritis, culture tenmggorokan is the main way in determining the causative organism after prescribed appropriate therapy swab laborers come and blood cultures may also be performed to identify the organism.

b. Chronic pharyngitis
Pharyngitis chronic common in adult individuals who work or live in a dusty environment. Using excessive noise, suffering from chronic cough and the habitual use of alcohol and tobacco.

Identified three types of Pharyngitis: 
  1. Hepertrofik, characterized by thickening of the public and pharyngeal mucous membrane congestion, 
  2. Chronic, probably the later stages of the first kind (a thin membrane, whitish slippery, and in time wrinkled) and 
  3. Chronic granular (clegyran's sore throat) with some swelling of the lymph follicles in the pharyngeal wall.

Cause inflammation of throat (pharyngitis)
1. Virus, 80% of sore throat caused by a virus can cause fever
2. Cough and cold. Where cough and lenders (nasal mucus) to make irritated throat.
3. Cozsackie virus (hand, foot and mouth disease)
4. Available. Allergies can cause throat irritation, chronic nature of light (live)
5. Streptococcus bacteria. In the laboratory using the results of patient stroking throat. Can be determined from the bacteria Streptococcus classical symptoms such as pain when you swallow saw a great white spots, vomit, pus, amandelnya gland, accompanied by enlarged lymph amandelnya.
       Most of laryngitis caused by two types of infection, ie viruses and bacteria. Around 80% of laryngitis caused by a virus and caused about 10-28% of bacteria. To be able to overcome it is important to know the infection caused by the virus or bacterium Streptococcus. Virus infection is often the cause salesma (cold) and the occurrence of influenza that then lead to laryngitis. Salesma usually heals itself around a week so your body membentuh antibodies against the virus. Treatment with antibiotics will not be effective for mengtasi viral infection. Instead, the provision of antibiotics can create resistance or immunity to the antibiotic bacteria. When the bacteria resistant to antibiotics. When we use antibiotics are not effective in removing germs. As a result, suffered the disease do not recover.

Symptoms and signs of inflammation of the throat (pharyngitis) In general symptoms and signs of pharyngitis are:
1. Burning or itching and dry
2. Coughing and sneezing
3. Low fever or no fever
4. Hoarse or raspy voice
5. Meler nose and behind the nasal secretions

Signs and symptoms of acute pharyngitis among others:
1. Mucous membranes are red
2. Tonsils-tinted
3. Kolikel lymphoid swollen and filled with aksudat
4. Magnifications and painful cervical lymph press

Chronic pharyngitis signs and symptoms limiting:
1. Sensation of irritation
2. Crowded at the throat in continuous
3. Mucus that collects in the throat and cough can be produced with
4. Difficulty swallowing

Codes of inflammation of throat (pharyngitis)
a. Acute pharyngitis
       If you suspect or banterial cause shown, the medication can include providing anti irikrobial. For Streptococcus group A, penicillin or who have resistant organisms eritromisin (fifth penicillin and eritromisin), used sefalusfarin. Antibiotics given for at least 10 days to remove grouyp A Streptococcus from orofarin.
       Liquid or soft diet is given in the acute stage of disease depends on the patient's appetite and the level of discomfort that occurs with swallowing. Sore throat sometimes so fluid can not be consumed in adequate amounts by mouth. In severe cases fluids given intravenously. Instead patients are encouraged to augment drinking as much as it did with at least 2-3 liters per day.

b. Chronic pharyngitis
       Treatment of chronic pharyngitis based on the removal of symptoms, avoid pemajangan for dermatitis and correct any interference on the bronchi, lung or heart disease that may lead to chronic cough.
       Kongestinasal may be removed by spraynasal or medicines that contain epinephrine sulfate (ofrin) or fenilekrin hydrochloride (neo-syn-phrine). If there is history of allergy, antihistamines, decongestants one medication as drikoral or dinetap, drink 1-6 hours. Malaise can be controlled effectively with aspirin or asitaminofen. Contact with others should be avoided, at least until the fever is really lost.
       Prior to treatment is very important for physicians to find the causes of throat (pharyngitis) uses a true diagnosis of the cause with the aim of giving antibiotics to prevent inappropriate for most patients because of laryngitis can cause antibiotic resistant organisms. A doctor will examine the throat and neck lymph nodes. Advanced approach is to test for the throat stroked or otherwise bekteri mengetahjui there. Pat him on the throat should dilakuakn if any unexpected diagnosis of laryngitis due to Streptococcus bacteria based on clinical findings and epidermiologis and patients not consuming antibiotics.
       Hasik stroking throat culture is usually the one who takes the test, but sensitivity to the antibiotic has to be done in patients who are allergic to penicillin resistant Streptococcus bacteria because terhdap erotromisin.

Some Foods That Can Relieve Sore Throat

Sore throat, including diseases that often affects. Usually caused by a viral infection, which is derived from flu-like symptoms, fever and pain. Besides causing discomfort, throat is inflamed, it also makes us have to abstain from foods high in fat like fried foods and spicy foods.
To speed up the healing process, there are actually some foods that can help. Here's food-relief of sore throat:

1. Banana
Bananas are the fruit that is sour and soft to the throat. It is very easy for you to swallow, especially when you're sore throat. In addition, this fruit also has a low glycemic index and rich in vitamins, B6, potassium, and of course, vitamin C.
2. Chicken soup
Some people believe that chicken soup can combat the sore throat. Even a bowl of warm chicken soup may also act as an antibiotic because it has anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce clog by limiting virus that comes in contact with mucous membranes. Make chicken soup using a food that is rich in nutrients such as carrots, onions, celery, turnips, potatoes and garlic, all known to have nutritional benefits for healing and strength.
3. A mixture of lemon juice and honey
A mixture of lemon juice and honey is one of the alternative treatment methods that can help relieve a sore throat and reduce inflammation. These drinks also provide a cooling effect on the throat.
4. Egg white
Not many people know that egg whites can be helpful in dealing with inflammation and pain in the throat. But make sure you do not mix the egg whites with spices as this may aggravate the pain.
5. Tea with ginger or honey
A cup of hot tea from ginger or honey may be the right choice for soothing irritated throat and itchy. Honey will coat the throat and helps prevent irritation, which is the main reason behind the emergence of a cough.
6. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is one of the foods that are high in soluble fiber, helps play a role in lowering LDL cholesterol levels. Oats are also high protein content makes you always feel full and satisfied for a longer period of time. To cope with a sore throat, make a bowl of hot oatmeal with bananas or honey added in it. Low levels of the oat glikemiks can also be used as a snack before starting daily activities.
7. Cooked carrots
Carrots are a great food as a drug when you are sick, but they must be boiled or steamed before eating. Eating raw carrots can actually worsen a sore throat. Carrots are full of essential nutrients, like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber and potassium.

Recurring sore throat

At one time, doctors automatically treated all sore throats with antibiotics, both to cure the infection and to prevent dangerous complications such as rheumatic fever. Now, doctors are much less likely to prescribe medication because the overuse of antibiotics has led to an increase in antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. What's more, antibiotics such as penicillin do little to hasten recovery from strep throat or to reduce signs and symptoms, and they don't prevent infections from recurring. Be sure your doctor performs a rapid strep test before prescribing any antibiotic for a sore throat.

If your sore throat is caused by Streptococcus, your family doctor will probably prescribe penicillin, taken by mouth for 10 days. Another antibiotic, called erythromycin, can be used if you're allergic to penicillin. If your sore throat is caused by different bacteria, your doctor may prescribe another type of antibiotic.

Warm or cool mist may help you feel more comfortable by soothing the swollen air passages. It may also relieve hoarseness. However, don't let your room become uncomfortably cold or very damp.
Use a shallow pan of water to provide moisture in the air through evaporation if you don't have a humidifier. Place the pan in a safe location where no one will trip on it or fall into it.

Aspirin gargles may ease the soreness. (There is little research evidence that confirms this. However, it is a popular treatment and may be worth a try.) Dissolve some soluble aspirin in water and gargle for 3-4 minutes. You can do this 3-4 times a day. Spit out the aspirin after gargling.

Contact your doctor if your sore throat persists for more than three days or if you have any other concerns. You may have a bacterial infection and benefit from antibiotic or other treatment. Also, if you have an accompanying earache, call your doctor. See a doctor immediately if the sore throat symptoms suddenly cause your voice to change to what is called "a hot potato" voice. This muffled tone sounds as if you have hot French fries in your mouth and cannot fully enunciate.

Others swear by gargling with chili pepper (yes, chili pepper!) Capsaicin, the ingredient in chili pepper that makes them hot, also numbs the throat. Mix ½ tsp. dried chili or cayenne pepper in a few ounces of water and gargle.
Just like mom used to say, gargle with salt water (½ tsp. mixed with 4 oz warm water) every few hours or as needed.

If antibiotics are used, a 10-day course of oral penicillin (or a single dose of intramuscular benzathine penicillin G) is still the treatment of choice for GAS pharyngitis, because of its proven efficacy in eradicating the organism and preventing subsequent rheumatic fever, its safety, narrow spectrum and low cost. Twice-daily dosing (250 mg of phenoxymethyl penicillin in children, 500 mg in adults) is as effective as three- or four-times-daily dosing and is now the preferred regimen. Regimens using broader-spectrum antibiotics have comparable bacteriological and clinical cure rates with shorter courses, but are not recommended, as they promote resistance, are more expensive and have more side effects, particularly gastrointestinal.

Avoiding close contact with ill people can help you from getting a throat infection. Cold viruses appear to be more readily transmitted than streptococcal infections. Only about 25% of family members exposed to strep develop strep throat. Usually a person with strep throat becomes noninfectious within 24 hours after the first antibiotic dose. The incubation period (the time between exposure to strep germs and onset of illness) is usually 2-5 days. Children should stay home from school and day care during infectious periods.

Learning more about strep throat bacteria

A series of elaborate medical studies conducted by medical researchers at Rockefeller University have identified that a microorganism neglected in the past (a bacteriophage virus that feeds on bacteria) may have a major contribution in causing strep throat and various other diseases that involve bacterial infection. The bacteriophage infects and destroys a wide range of bacteria, including Group A hemolytic streptococcus bacteria, organism that produces throat inflammation and pain, known as strep throat or acute pharyngitis of bacterial origin.

Despite past beliefs, the researchers from Rockefeller University claim that sometimes not the streptococcus bacteria are responsible for causing strep throat, but a type of bacteriophage, or "bacteria eating" virus. Although bacteriophages were considered to be un-infectious to humans, the findings of recent medical research indicate otherwise. Medical scientists believe that certain bacteriophages can cause diseases such as strep throat by producing mutations to bacteria and transferring various toxins between such organisms.

The implication of bacteriophages in the occurrence of strep throat may explain why most persons who present signs of Group A hemolytic streptococcus bacteria at throat culture testing don't experience any symptoms at all, while others not only develop strep throat, but also various complications such as tonsillitis, sinusitis or otitis.

Bacteriophages may be responsible for causing a wide range of bacterial diseases characterized by unusual activity of common benign bacteria (ulcer for instance is characterized by malignant activity of E coli bacteria, organism that is an important part of the human intestinal bacterial flora, which has the role to actually protect against dangerous intruding bacteria). By taking a closer look to these intriguing "bacteria eating" viral agents, medical scientists may soon find an efficient cure for various diseases that involve malignant behavior of otherwise harmless bacteria.

Concerning strep throat, medical scientists believe that a type of toxin-producing bacteriophage carries a toxin gene present in its genome to Group A hemolytic streptococcus bacteria, transforming this otherwise neutral organism into a threatening microbe. The process through which the bacteriophage transforms the neutral organism into a disease-causing microbe is known as lysogenic conversion. Inside the human body, this process is accelerated and facilitated by a factor in the saliva referred to as SPIF (soluble phage inducing factor). SPIF has been identified to mobilize the bacteriophage, which enters in lysogenic conversion with streptococcus bacteria, thus causing strep throat.

A series of experiments conducted on mice have revealed that virtually any bacterium carrying a toxin-encoded bacteriophage can transform non-toxigenic organisms inside the body into toxigenic infectious agents. According to the findings, non-infectious bacteria can become toxigenic by entering in contact with organisms carrying toxin-encoded bacteriophages. The studies suggest that the treatment of strep throat and various other infectious diseases that involve lysogenic conversion between bacteriophages and non-toxigenic bacteria should be aimed not only at controlling the causative microbe (in the case of strep throat Group A hemolytic streptococcus bacteria), but also the bacteriophages that facilitate the occurrence of the infection.

Natural sore throat cures

A sore throat is typically caused by a virus like the common cold, flu or Epstein Barr. In some cases it can be caused by bacteria like strep or mycoplasma. A recurrent painful throat is more likely to be caused by allergy, acid reflux, overuse of the voice, sinusitis or an underlying chronic infection.

If strep is diagnosed your doctor will prescribe a 10 day course of antibiotics - usually penicillin or amoxicillin. Your symptoms should subside within 2-3 days of taking antibiotics. Even though you may feel better it is important that you finish the whole course of antibiotics as prescribed. jual jam tangan original Do not return to work or school until you have taken antibiotics for 24 hours and symptoms have subsided. During and after strep throat treatment with an antibiotic, acidophillus bacteria should be taken to replenish the healthy gastrointestinal flora of the body.

Gargle for a solid couple of minutes. If the viral infection is in the beginning stages, you can cure yourself in about 2 to 3 hours. If it's already bad, gargle every 15 minutes to half an hour. If you use it, it will cause your sore throat to disappear. Why? It's a stimulant herb but it also is a stimulant, tonic, carminative, sialogogue (stimulates the secretion of saliva), stomachic, rubefacient, pungent, alterative, astringent, antispasmodic, sudorific, emetic, antiseptic, condiment, and anti-rheumatic herb.

Some viruses are latent viruses that remain in the body for life, and can be reactivated when you are run down or under stress. Examples are the Epstein Barr virus that causes mononucleosis or glandular fever, and the herpes virus that causes recurrent cold sores and ulcers. When these viruses recur infective symptoms like a painful throat, fever and malaise are common.

Sore throat (pharyngitis) is a painful inflammation of the pharynx, which is the part of the throat that lies between the mouth and the larynx (voice box). Sore throat is often a symptom of various illnesses such as colds and flu, glandular fever, respiratory tract infections, tonsillitis, and chickenpox. While most sore throats heal without complications, in some cases, they develop into a serious illness.

Herbal immune system enhancers such as echinacea and goldenseal or Oregon grape root are effective when you have a sore throat that is caused by a cold or flu. The wonder herb, garlic, can also prove helpful when battling illness, since it will ward off harmufl bacteria or viruses. Try to add raw garlic to your salad and other dishes.

You can buy commercial preparations of ginger syrup which combine ginger, Manuka honey and apple cider vinegar. Alternatively make your own up by adding 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger to 1 teaspoon of honey with added apple cider vinegar to taste. Sip the syrup straight off the spoon or dissolve it in hot water to soothe the pain and heal the throat.

Treat strep throat with antibiotics

Strep throat is an illness that commonly accompanies flu or cold. Although it commonly affects children, strep throat can occur at any age. Unlike sore throat, an ailment caused by infection with viral agents, strep throat is caused by infection with group A streptococcus bacteria. These bacteria are very contagious and they can be easily acquired by entering in contact with infected people. In order to minimize the chances of acquiring strep throat, it is important to maintain proper hygiene and to avoid close contact with people who show signs of the illness. Although good personal hygiene can't effectively prevent the occurrence of strep throat, it decreases the risks of acquiring streptococcus bacteria. People who suffer from strep throat should avoid entering in contact with other people in order to prevent spreading the illness.

Strep throat can generate intense symptoms such as difficult breathing, mucus-producing cough, headache, throat inflammation and pain, enlargement of the tonsils and lymph nodes, and fever. In some cases, strep throat can be accompanied by scarlet fever, generating skin inflammation and rashes. Although it may sound serious, scarlet fever can be effectively overcome through the means of an appropriate medical treatment with antibiotics. However, in some cases strep throat can lead to serious complications such as kidney problems, heart affections and rheumatic fever, which are very difficult to treat. In order to prevent the occurrence of such complications, doctors commonly prescribe antibiotics in the treatment of strep throat.While antibiotics are effective in preventing the occurrence of various diseases associated with strep throat, these commonly prescribed drugs can't always completely overcome infection with streptococcus bacteria. This type of bacteria has become very resistant to common antibiotics and nowadays doctors experience difficulties in prescribing an effective treatment for strep throat. In present, more and more patients who follow medical treatments with antibiotics suffer a relapse of the infection and due to this fact, doctors are looking for more effective ways of overcoming strep throat.

Due to their decreased efficiency in curing strep throat, antibiotics have lately been replaced by other forms of treatment. Homeopathic treatments have proved to be one of the best alternatives to antibiotics in overcoming infection with streptococcus bacteria, and they are nowadays recommended to most people who suffer from strep throat. Homeopathic treatments have fewer side-effects and they minimize the chances of relapse.

Belladonna is one of the most common medicines prescribed in homeopathic treatments for strep throat. Prescribed in the incipient stages of the illness, belladonna can rapidly alleviate throat inflammation and pain, it can decongest the airways and it can also ameliorate fever. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Mercurius is also a very effective medicine for strep throat. Mercurius provides a rapid relief for throat inflammation and pain, and it can also fight against bacteria. Another effective medicine in the homeopathic treatment of strep throat is Phytolacca. This medicine can quickly alleviate throat swelling, pain and cough and it is usually prescribed to very young children. In order to speed up the process of recovery from illness, homeopathic treatments for strep throat can also include Echinacea and multivitamin supplements.

Combined with proper rest and a good diet, homeopathic treatments can effectively overcome strep throat, also minimizing the risk of relapse. Homeopathic treatments are very well tolerated by the organism and they are a lot safer than antibiotics. Prescribed for uncomplicated forms of strep throat, homeopathic treatments are a reliable alternative to antibiotics.

Strep throat remedies - relieve your sore throat

Strep throat is the infection of pharynx, tonsils, esophagus that is caused by the bacteria A Streptococcus. The throat becomes inflamed, red and sore. Some of the symptoms of strep throat may include difficulty in swallowing, headache, feeling weak, rash, loss of appetite, excessive sweating, stomach pain, fever, sore throat, red, and white patches on the tonsils and throat. The symptoms of strep throat generally improved for 3 to 5 day. If you have developed a sore throat for more than a week, it is typically caused by something else and not strep.

Strep throat is a contagious disease that can easily spread infection from one person to another through direct touch or contamination of inanimate object. In order to reduce your risk of getting strep throat, it is important to maintain good personal hygiene and to avoid close contact with a person who already has the infection. People who suffer from strep throat should also take proper measures to help reduce the spread of bacterial infection.

Left untreated, strep throat may develop serious health issues such as tonsillitis, kidney inflammation and rheumatic fever, sinus infections, ear infections, and pneumonia. In the vast majority of cases, strep throat can be treated with antibiotics but there are home remedies for strep throat that can relieve your sore throat and promote faster healing

Saline Gargle. Cost effective and effortless- saline gargle is one of the most common home remedies for strep throat. You can find it in your kitchen. Just add about one half to one teaspoon of table salt into a glass of warm water, stir and gargle. It helps if you do gargling about thrice a day. Salt has a soothing effect and helps kill the bacteria that cause strep throat.

Cinnamon and Ginger. One of the most effective strep throat home remedies is through the use of cinnamon and ginger. Boil one teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and ginger and take this as a medicine for strep throat. Ginger and cinnamon have excellent healing properties that many consider to be effective in treating various types of inflammations especially strep throat.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey. What else can apple cider vinegar not do? Apple cider is very common the list for effective home remedies for strep throat and other conditions, too. Mixing a tablespoon of apple cider and one tablespoon of honey to a glass of hot water can work wonders. Sip this mixture slowly to ensure an ample amount passes through your throat but do not let the mixture get cold.

Ice Cream Bars. Who says Ice Cream Bars are only for those who have sweet tooth? The thing with sore throat is that our pharynx is inflamed and blood vessels in the area are dilated. These needs to be remedied and cold foods that can help constrict the vessels that cause the inflammation. Ice cream bars a good way of relieving the heat inside our throat. First is that it is cold and second is that it has a semi-solid solution allowing it to pass slowly to our throat.

Chew Garlic. Garlic has antibiotic properties called allicin which kills strep bacteria. Cut a thin slice of garlic then place in your cheek. Make sure to suck the garlic cloves like a candy then let them very slowly slide down your throat and swallow them.

Warm Compress. Take face cloth soaked in warm water and apply it into your throat. Heat has amazing healing and soothing properties, making it one of the effective home remedies for strep throat

Proper hydration. Proper hydration will keep your body systems working properly, including metabolism and digestion, and help in treating infections like common cough and colds.

Is strep throat contagious? Strep Throat Symptoms

The Symptoms of strep throat are far from keen. A very sore throat will be your low sign. If you take the transmission, it's hard easy for your MD to diagnose. A simple strep throat essay or throat acculturation will be able to fix if you're abscessed.

Strep throat takes place when the Group A Streptococcus bacterium taints the throat and faucial tonsils. This type of infection can happen to anyone, though it is about green in children and teens.

Strep Throat Symptoms

* A sore throat is the most frank symptom of strep throat. You're throat will feel real dry and abrasive. The tenderness may make it severe to immerse food or swallow.
* A fever that comes on suddenly can be a symptoms of strep throat. The febricity can be blue or mild, but it will followed on quickly.
* Nausea can be a early symptoms of strep throat. The nausea may be mild or main. If severe, you may also experience a loss of appetite. The sickness may also induce vomiting and general stomach hurting.
* A red throat, often with compact white or unhealthy patches on the faucial tonsils can be a symptoms of strep throat. In That Respect may also be little red places at the rearwards of your verbalise.
* Swollen lymph nodes can be a early symptoms of strep throat. These nodes are relocated of both sides of your neck, below the gossip line. If meeting this area is rough, the nodes are likely pleased.
* A heroic can be a signs and symptoms of strep throat. The heroic will get down at the love and extended towards the pectus. If left raw, the rash can spread over the whole body.

Strep Throat Treatment
Most strep throat infections only last almost a week, but discourse is available. If you're named with strep throat shortly after the symptoms got, your Dr. will most likely dictate antibiotics to help conflict the transmission. However, if you wait too careful to visit your fix, the antibiotic drugs will not help. You will have to just deal with the infection until it clears up on its feature.

Nevertheless, depending on the age of the purulent person some symptoms may be severe, while others vanish completely and thus:

* Infants might have diminished appetite and pyrexia, along with green or bad drainage from nozzle.
* Toddlers will well-nigh probably have swollen glands, even stronger appetency than usual, as happy as sore throat.
* Schooling age children may bear high fever and radical difficulty unsaying (even drinks). Sometimes their palatine tonsils may be continued with pus.

You should be haunted when some of the falling out signs are present:

* Hump of the love
* Trouble breathing
* Inability to accept even spittle
* Phlebotomizing in the throat

Moreover, sometimes it is contingent to have strep throat symptoms while not suffering a sore pharynx. On the top of that, some souls may be takes of the streptococcal bacterium, which agency that they are not worse made by it, yet they can go the bacterias further to other people.

About gonorrhea throat facts

Your throat is usually contaminated as a result of an outbreak of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, each of which are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). Gonorrhea throat infection is among the rarest of occurrences due to the fact such Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) are often found around the other components with the system as well as the genitals, incredibly usually.

Almost never does this Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) infect one's throat but after it does, it could possibly demonstrate to be an irritant and may truly become a wellness problem. You must know the indicators of throat infection of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), particularly the Gonorrhea indications, and have to know once the appropriate time to call upon a health care provider is.

As said previously that throat infection because of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea is really a uncommon illness and because the occurrences are far and couple of, the medics don't have a standard procedure to diagnose this challenge and find out a proper course of action.

Gonorrhea throat infection is often mentioned to take place when the partners have oral intercourse. Gonorrhea mouth infections would be the gateway for your throat infections subsequently.

There's no unique symptom of Gonorrhea throat infection or throat infection by means of Chlamydia. This really is the cause these Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) are additional challenging to detect and diagnose.

By far the most 1 can do is to go and see a doctor if one particular had had oral intercourse with a person who has currently contracted Chlamydia.

This really is the only doable good reason of contacting this Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). After you might have apprised the medical doctor of your respective oral sexual encounter, you'll be asked no matter if you may have been obtaining the ordinary Gonorrhea symptoms. If you do not occur to have the Gonorrhea indicators, then you certainly could be tested for Gonorrhea throat infection.

The only symptom of throat infection by means of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, both of that are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) is actually a sore throat. Nonetheless, you can hardly ever make sure of the signs or symptoms becoming indicative of throat infection because of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, both equally of which are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) because a sore throat can come about for different other reasons.

One of the most one particular can do is, as stated earlier, to go and see a health care provider if a single had had oral sex with somebody who has by now contracted Chlamydia.

You may also get redness on the back of the throat. All you should do will be to stand from the entrance on the mirror, open your mouth and view meticulously the back of the throat. If it exhibits some redness, then this is a achievable beginning point for irritation.

Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can equally induce immense pain and misery when they are not properly diagnosed and handled properly early enough.

How to use a toothbrush

 How to use a toothbrush

Proved to brush at the gum line at a 45-degree angle, be sure to contact the brush to the surface of the teeth and gums. Move the brush gently up and down with recycled on the surface of the teeth of internal and external

Repeat the same process on the next set of teeth so that it is clean of 2-3 teeth at a time.

Place the brush vertically behind the front teeth. Move it to the top and bottom, using the front half

Proven butterfly on the grinding surface of the teeth and move it to the front and back gently. Clean brush tongue move from back to front to remove odor produced by bacterial plaque

Treat yellowing teeth

A lot of people suffer from the problem of yellowing teeth, and hurt women in particular because it affects their beauty, as different people in the color of their skin and their hair, they differ in the color of their teeth as well, so it some teeth yellower than others yellows with age.

 A natural withering age for a number of reasons:

- Yellowing surface and which result from tobacco use or frequent drinking coffee or tea or eating certain foods that help to dye teeth as types of berries add to the accumulation of calcium around the tooth and know Baltklsat.

- Yellowing of procedure and that results from aging or for injuries or excessive use of fluoride or as a result of certain diseases or taking antibiotics Kalttraseklin at an early age.


1 - Use Siwak.

 2 - brushing your teeth with a good toothpaste in the morning and evening every day.

3 - Eating too much strawberry juice It helps to whiten teeth.

4 - let you yellowish lemon juice on a piece of cotton, and repeat this every day until the yellow disappears.

5 let you yellowed teeth with sodium Beckerbuunat material (purchased from the pharmacy). With no excessive use because it affects the integrity of the teeth and gums.

6 - taken piece of toast or crackers and burned completely on fire, and grind until well turn to ashes and then mixed this ash half a spoonful of honey, and scrub dental repeat the process and you'll notice remarkable result very Honey is useful for whiten teeth but sing you then wash Sinankm toothpaste Just because honey cause cavities

Smoking damages the skin:

Smoking damages the skin:

- Dry skin.

- Rapid onset of wrinkles.

- Swelling of the eyelids and redness.

- Increase sagging around the eyelids.

- Change the color of the fingers and Asferrarha.

- Weaken hair and hair loss and dry and discolored.

 In short, we say: smoking enemy of Muharram He spends the vitality of the skin and glasses, Voqla this bad habit.

Breast reduction operations

Breast reduction operations are made in the following cases:

1 - to beautify the shape and small size.
2 - to treat the symptoms and organic health and side effects resulting from the significant increase in the size and weight of the breasts, such as:
A) chronic pain in the neck and back due to the great weight of the breasts.
B) difficulty in breathing during sleep as a result of two big breasts pressure on the chest.
C) incidence of certain types of allergies and itching under the breast.
3 - to ease the social and psychological pain where it is under this category of severe embarrassment in social life are:
A) You can not exercise.
B) can not find the right clothes.
V) ashamed of going to weddings and share the joy of girls sex

A brief explanation of the process and the subsequent care of:

1 - the process is done under full anesthesia and require the patient to stay in the hospital two or three.
2 - the part is removed from the skin of the breast as well as to eradicate part of the tissue and excess grease in order to minimize the size and weight and reduce breast تهدل.
3 - The process takes between two and four hours.
4 - must rest for 10 days.
5 - Parts wounds within a few days of operation.
6 - Avoid the smell of cigarettes, obesity or diabetes until the wound healed quickly.

Complications and side effects of surgery:
May occur:
1 - swelling or swelling where the surgery.
2 - subcutaneous hemorrhage.
3 - inflammation of the wound.
4 - temporary loss of a sense of place operation.
5 - the loss of part of the blood vessels feeding the nipple
6 - the survival of the visible effects of wounds for a long time

Facelift breast

At the beginning of the topic I will speak about the anatomy of the breast
Fat Vhoabarh and skin glands to secrete milk
Knowing that there are no muscles in the anatomy of the breast but no muscle behind the breast

At the stage of pregnancy

When pregnancy increases breast size as a result of the secretion of placental hormones during pregnancy Ncht
Breast tissue and make the milk channels wide to receive the milk secreted after birth

After birth and the end of the lactation period

Smaller breast size breast again becomes flabby and softer
This problem is of concern to women and men

As for breast augmentation surgery

Firstly there is no creams or devices or hormones or proven exercises to enlarge breast size
Knowing that the use of hormones in breast augmentation leads to problems and diseases, I will mention in the last topic

First surgery for sagging breasts
In the case of breast sagging be fallen nipple to the bottom and not in the middle
Vtkon process
1 - quote nipple fallen from its place to the center of the chest
2 - Remove the increase in skin
3 - tightening and the formation of the skin around the breast to give him a high spherical shape

Second surgery to enlarge the size of the breast
In this case the bag is placed silicone filled with liquid silicon or saline
Where these articles are given flexibility required
That this bag is placed under the breast  larger size

As for breast enlargement exercises
It exercises to strengthen chest muscles located behind the breast
Which helps to sense the emergence of breast simple exercises called Alsndor

The use of hormones in breast augmentation
Femininity hormones interfere significantly in breast size
And will only be used if the woman suffers from weak hormones femininity
And markings
- Roughness of the skin texture
- The small size of the buttocks to the lack of fatty layer
- The appearance of facial hair and legs dramatically

As for damages
If you use hormones femininity for breast augmentation
The increase of these hormones for reducing natural causes
- Malignant diseases in the womb
- Malignant diseases in the cervix
- Disruption in the work of the ovaries
- Blood clots, heart

Factors and ways to help to enlarge breast size

Factors and ways to help to enlarge breast size:

- Pregnancy and lactation help to Tkir breast size
- Weight gain if you are skinny with the need for healthy nutrition
- Drink the ring
- As exercise "Alsandoz" with open arms device against resistance, which contains a number of zippers
- The work of self-massage of the breast using olive oil on a regular basis, where're massaging the breast right by the left hand and the left breast by the right hand
- Use of certain devices, such as a Glamour Glamour and placed on the breast, and is working to dump air from around the breast to a specific time on a daily basis
- Plastic surgery operations and preferably Tljoa to this solution after you have Orteurta down even childlessness do not conflict with any problems in new and breastfeeding, and this is the only radical solution

Notes enlarge breast size:

- Avoid the use of pharmacological or hormonal methods for breast augmentation because they have serious side effects, some known and others unknown which is not always the solution but is a temporary treatment
- The breast does not contain muscles, but is a fatty tissue and Gdda
- Teen breast approaching its maximum size, has a growing breasts faster than the other, and in the end up the size of the breasts similar in most cases, but not identical.
- The large size of the breast is controlled by hormones femininity, in addition to the genetic factor of the father and mother
- Consult a physician with reputable before doing anything important step

Some important tips to gain weight:

Review nutritionist who counted calories needed by the person for weight, length and sex, activity and weight who wishes revised upwards on a weekly basis.
    Follow the proposals of the food pyramid in the quotas that must be dealt with every day are as follows:

1. 3-5 servings of vegetables.

2. 2-4 servings of fruit.

3. 2-3 servings of milk and dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cheese.

4. 6.11 share of bread, cereal, rice and pasta.

5. 2-3 servings of meat, fish and legumes.

6. Use of fats and oils and sweets in moderation and in small quantities.

Quotas can be defined thus:

- Share of bread and cereal group equal to a slice of bread or half a cup of cooked rice or pasta.

- Share of vegetables equals half a cup of vegetables or one medium orange or medium apple or three-quarters of a cup of juice.

- Share of milk set equal to a cup of milk.

- Share of meat is equal to a small piece of meat, chicken or fish or a cup and a half of cooked beans.

· Prefers to eat small meals and multiple rather than a few large meals, for example, needs slim three main meals and three small meals, the first between breakfast and lunch and the second between lunch and dinner and the last before going to sleep.

Eat foods rich in energy fruit mixture with milk a "cocktail" and a private cocktail bananas, pastries Kalaftaúr and cakes.

· Start meal dish President and postponement of the power and fruit for another meal.

Eat fruits and vegetables, which are essential to supply the body with vitamins and minerals essential for health.

Eat some of the desserts at the end of each meal or replaced with a sandwich of cream and jam or honey.

· Add margarine when cooking foods in order to increase the calories in food.

· Add olive oil to the authorities.

· Add honey to milk and hot beverages.

Eat nuts and dried fruits in small meals or add them to power, and rice.

· Drinking a glass of milk with lunch and dinner.

· Add grated cheese, rice, pasta and white cheese cubes to power.

· Eat with Rebekah grainy and outdoors.

· Use butter or margarine Bdehnha sandwiches when it is prepared before you put cheese or peanut butter and add jam or honey afterwards.

· Drinking whole milk or multiplier and attend to add a third cup of skimmed milk powder to a cup of whole milk, which contains more calories than whole milk by 50% and the amount of protein weakness whole milk.

· Avoid drinking water during meals because it weakens the digestive enzymes and hinders the process of digestion, as well as it fills the stomach and makes a slim feel satiety quickly.

· Chew food slowly enough.

· Essayed change in meals to expel boredom.

· Exercise regularly sport strengthens muscles and makes weight gain concentrated in the muscle rather than fat gain as it opens the appetite and reduce the impact of stress on public health.

· Exposure to the sun are improved health and opens the appetite.

· Consult a doctor to use some fortified cereals or vitamins and minerals in the case of inadequate diets of these terms.

· Try to get away as possible from the stress and problems that weaken the appetite and thus reduce weight.

What thinness?

Can describe someone as skinny when body mass index (BMI) has less than 18.5.

Thinness reasons:

There are many reasons for the injury being thin, we recall some of them:

    Wrong food habits acquired since childhood.
    Genetic reasons.
    Follow special diets to lose weight and continue to limit access to the thinness and then not being able to recover normal weight.

    Infection with certain organic diseases ... such as:
        Hyper thyroid.
        Severe anemia.
        Some diseases of the digestive tract that prevents the absorption of digested food.
        Incidence of certain tumors or كنتيج treated.

    Some mental illnesses ... such as:
        Severe depression which causes loss of appetite.
        Obsession that makes a patient does not feel hungry.
        Anorexia nervosa.
        Bulimia nervosa.

Diet summer

Obviously the emergence of obesity problems with the beginning of the summer because it in this chapter frequently eat hors d'oeuvres and Muslaat and dairy ice cream (ice cream) and carbonated water and soft drinks with a consequent increase in the price income standing, weight.

And built diet summer on several key pillars are:

1 - Avoid eating fruits summer rich in calories, such as mango, grapes, dates, figs and bananas as well as fruits Dried because they contain more sugar than fruit species other and focus on the other, such as apples, pears, plums, peaches, guava, melon, grapefruit, strawberries are less fit on sugar. And enough to eat one apple between meals to eliminate the sense of hunger.

2 - Eat 3 meals per day parallel in the sense that contains every meal on nutrients needed to build the body to be low calorie content Price ranges from 1200-1500 calories as you should avoid fatty foods.

3 - should not refrain from sugar permanently minimize it even to deficiency ايؤدي to influence the degree of activity of the body and vitality. To avoid retribution.

4 - to abstain completely from eating ice cream and pickles, spices and aerated waters and hydrogenated fats and fatty foods and fried foods.

5 - exercise and perhaps simplest walking an hour a day.

6 - Avoid stopping exercise in the summer so it does not become muscle mass to fat.

7 - Avoiding follow some modern systems in operations such as weight loss diet per day. And not to rely on food intake per day length, such as eating a banana or potato ... And others.

8 - need to focus on eating brewer's yeast fresh either Saccharomyces cerevisiae or in the form of tablets, dried, because it contains more than 18 species of vitamins, especially vitamin B complex and 14 element metal and 16 amino acid and can be mixed with milk or water for organizing accurate intestines private If taken on an empty stomach.

9 - Drink plenty of water, especially before eating 20 minutes because it eliminates the sensation of hunger.

10 - diet must contain the perfect summer to lose weight on the three components of meals: 70% protein, 20% vegetables, 10% carbohydrates and sugar.

Dieting chemotherapy

Of the latest ways Dieting is a system that relies on the idea to biochemical reactions within the body to block the body from forming any extra fat in addition to burn existing fat so chemical known as accursed. This does not mean the use of any chemicals, but rely on the understanding and directing biochemical processes inside the body through the modification in the food system and quantification Noayate and style of eating, leading to rapid burning of fat accumulated in the body.

One advantage of this system:

    He graduated from the first week until the last week so person finds it easy to apply.
    That the lack of this system is a real shortage because of body fat, so it's not easy re-configured in short periods therefore remains a person without an increase for very long periods always maintained to eat a balanced diet then reduced from eating fats and sugars.
    That the size of the stomach begins to decrease gradually the person Vicba quickly after eating small amounts of food at the end of the period accursed.
    That the shortage and that was great but it does not affect any of biometrics within the body.
    Shortage in this way gives a great incentive for people to constantly maintain the weight.
    Fit this system to all ages and there is no need to add any kind of vitamins.
    Be careful to follow the instructions carefully and only system Flavaúdh.
    Must exercise additional sports for 30 minutes a day.

Dieting winter

In winter increases the demand for liquids and warm Almokalat and candy for a sense of warmth because the body uses part of calories to maintain the degree of body at 37 degrees.
Who shall burn large quantities of food to compensate for the heat lost as a result of increased air cooler.
So Agae people to eat fatty foods high calories have been proposed by Dr. pros Abdel Fattah Rgima winter to reduce the weight can be reduced body of 6 - 8 kg grams per month in the case of ÇáĂáĘŇÇă applied. Which provide the body daily from 750 to 800 price thermally and depends on the method of health eating.

Advises Dr. advantages when applying this accursed Bnasihtin are:

    Ensure that weigh yourself once a week if there were not in response to this accursed did not happen a significant reduction in body weight, it means that the body happened to him adapt to this new diet for him so that became scarce in the burning of stored energy and then to be broken Splenda and so taking a twenty four hours interspersed with some abuses such as doubling the amount of fruit or eating some forbidden fruits or vegetables prohibited such as dates, bananas, potatoes ... Or eat any kind of jewelry, but without extravagance so as not to exceed calories for the day 1500 calories.
    After weight loss that you want to remove must learn how to maintain the new weight by changing eating habits and eating style so weight is maintained.

Concern over accumulation of lipids in women's waist

Researchers said concern over accumulation of lipids in women's waist and grease Vymntqh waist and abdomen which endangers her life.

Because this fat increases the risk of being infected with diseases increasing concern, noting that lean women in general except for the waist are more prone to anxiety than other women.

And researchers believe that the presence of a lot of fat in the waist when women often refers to slim they are prone to worry and not to be obese.

How to prevent obesity

For the prevention of obesity we take into account the following:

- That obesity is a serious condition and have certain risks if it continues.
- The responsibility to maintain the weight personal responsibility depends on the individual first.
- Binge eating followed definitely an increase in weight and this may occur without significant excess in eating.
- Must follow the child from a young age so as not to continue with this problem in all stages of life.
- Must exercise and hold them until the way burn as many calories as possible.
- The individual weight control from time to time and if I feel that weight increased even Kilwa concentration on exercise and try to minimize the amount of eating.

Diet without depriving

Food diversity .. Especially in the main dish, where it is providing the body's needs in terms of philosophy of food believes that Splenda correct based on nutrients overall, taking care to eat a third of the proteins discount appetite, and a third of vegetables discount appetite, and a third of the carbohydrates, which provide warmth for the body.

The second idea is not to stress the person who is Balrigam the issue of weight and calculation, but put Quantity equal size only whatever amount to the same.

This diet is not a denial, that is subject to all the contraband that increase weight, but within limits.

Also, this diet is a great benefit, often doctors are advised not to increase the amount of weight loss for more than 2 to 3 pounds per month, so there is no sudden malfunction in the organs of the body as a result of the severe weight loss.

And this diet plan is as follows:
The first day:
Breakfast daily:
Cup skim milk + cup cornflakes.
Oharihh toast + teaspoon butter + teaspoon jam.
Or boiled egg + toast.
Fried fish 2.
Green salad.
A quarter of a loaf live my country.
3 tablespoons rice.
Vegetable dish.
Sweet "dish Pudding."

Second day:
Tomato Soup dish.
Piece grilled burger.
Half a loaf.
2 and leaf lettuce.
Chicken Curry dish.
2 tablespoons of rice Muffil.

Third day:
A piece of roast beef.
Quarter of a loaf.
Boiled egg.
Quarter of a loaf.

Fourth day:
5 sausage fingers.
Half a loaf live my country.
Boiled egg.
Piece fat-free cheese.

Fifth day:
Issued barbecued chicken.
A small salad.
2 fruits of fruit.
A cup of milk.

Sixth day:
Half a loaf live.
5 fingers Kofta.
Green salad.
A piece of grilled fish.
A quarter of a loaf live.
Fruits fruit.

Seventh day:
2 pieces beefsteak.
Half a loaf live.
Sauteed vegetables.
3 tablespoons bean.
Quarter of a loaf of my country.

To maintain a semblance of youth depends on your lifestyle

Aging challenge the facts of life and we are all moving in the age and show us the signs of aging with time, but do you know that the appearance of your body and keep manifestations of young people depend on your lifestyle and how you deal with your body more than it depends on the genetic factors

If you Taataajabin why retains some manifestations of youth more than others Think about a good way of life
This questionnaire to see if your body Older you:

(1) how many times live sports weekly (The including walking)

(A) at least three times a week
(B) very rarely I have no time for that
(C) I used to exercise once a week

(2) Which of the following descriptions apply to your diet?

(A) try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily. But I sometimes eat some chocolate or chips. And about twice a week Otaatnol and quick meal.
(B) a whole lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and meat Madhoun, fish, rice and pasta sometimes eat snacks from breakfast cereals
(C) I do not like eating breakfast, but I eat before noon some chips or candy at lunch eat a meal of meat roasted or hamburger dinner eat a plate of pasta

(3) what beverages daily

(A) a lot of water about six or seven cups a day and often Otaatnol decaffeinated coffee or a cup of herbal tea
(B) about five cups of coffee a day sometimes cola
(C) two cups of tea and coffee a day with two cups of water and juice

(4) What is the closest description of your habits in the sun exposure?

(A) Always use cream and protection from the sun high degree of protection and generally I dont much sun exposure
(B) I love the sun a lot and used the cream and low-grade protection
(C) not to جازه we spend in sunny places used cream and highly protective, but I do not use these creams on ordinary days

(5) What is the size of the pressures that The Age

(A) I feel pressure in many not khat
(B) in Ghalib not qat I feel I control things well
(C) Some days I feel I'm not able to cope with the pressures and other days I feel that things are going well

(6) How many hours getting every night to sleep

(A) I sleep for about eight hours every night to sleep comfortable
(B) sleep about six or seven hours a night sometimes I find it difficult to sleep and woke up at night
(C) slept about five hours or less in nts and woke up several times every night

What is the appropriate description for your health?

(A) Average sometimes hit a cold or mild headache or sore I was times some health problems
(B) bad at all times I have almost no health problem
(C) I have no good serious health problems just a cold or headache that another

(8) Are injured some seriously ill family members

(A) Yes osteoporosis and high blood pressure
(B) No
(C) Yes, diabetes and heart disease

(9) How would you describe the size of your body

(A) appropriate increase of about eight kilos
(B) I think that my weight is suitable for longitudinal
(C) my weight a little more appropriate

(10) How would you describe your Oslo in your skin care

(A) Use detergent and moisturizer twice a day and peeled the skin once a week and use anti-wrinkle cream
(B) normally used soap and water to clean my skin
(C) try to use cleaner and humidifier daily

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Now, after not confronted the previous questions know the grades obtained by

(1) (a) = 3 (b) = 1 (c) = 2
(2) (a) = 3 (b) = 2 (c) = 1
(3) (a) = 2 (b) = 3 (c) = 1
(4) (a) = 3 (b) = 1 (c) = 2
(5) (a) = 3 (b) = 1 (c) = 2
(6) (a) = 1 (b) = 3 (c) = 2
(7) (a) = 3 (b) = 2 (c) = 1
(8) (a) = 2 (b) = 1 (c) = 3
(9) (a) = 2 (b) = 3 (c) = 1
(10) (a) = 1 (b) = 3 (c) = 2

-------------------------------------------------- -----------

Now that you have gathered the grades obtained by you to know whether your body will retain its youth for a long time or that you should enter some big changes to your lifestyle

_ If the grades obtained from 24 to 36:
Van appearance seems more youthful than your age time and often attached some around this sense Obviously you know how Thtmin yourself well Keep your lifestyle and your care of yourself and your health and Domi to practice your sport, but you must take into account that the exercises and violent excess of the limit her damage, including problems joints and keep in the style of care in human beings

_ If your score is between 16 and 23
You look at your age normal or less than a few years and your health generally good but appropriate to make some changes to your lifestyle if you want to maintain your youth, for example should تستعملي moisturizer for your skin contains antioxidant to the sun and Zaidi from eating Alfokh, fresh vegetables and Exercise regularly

If your score from 12 to 15
You often look bigger than your age real and perhaps you already have some health problems should repeat your thinking radically in your diet and Observe that any change although small has its usefulness and Cut down drinking coffee and tea and eat candy and go in your some exercise

Skim milk helps in slimming

New medical research proved that some dairy products help in slimming and lose excess weight. The researchers found that drinking milk little or skim, makes a man eat less food,

And as one of the large-scale food, ie, that it is possible consumption of large quantities of it without getting too many calories.
Studies have shown that drinking a glass of skim milk before a meal reduces the amount of food consumed about 150 calories.
The scientists said calcium found in milk plays an important role in the process of slimming, studies have shown that the weights of people who have taken a thousand milligrams of calcium per day, which is less than three glasses of milk weighing each eight ounces, was less about 17 pounds (7.7 kilos ), the weights of people who did not take these supplements.
The specialists believe that taking high doses of calcium to stop the production of the hormone responsible for increasing the size of the fat cells, also works United linoleic acid (CLA), found in milk, fat-burning and accumulated grease.
The experts pointed out that the human needs about 500 milligrams of the acid mentioned to get the benefits, so it can take little milk or skim to achieve the benefits without getting a lot of calories.
The research also showed that children and adolescents whose parents attend the basic drinking milk habit, devoted themselves are also constantly on drinking.
.................................................. ...........
The researchers said three weeks of eating healthy foods and practicing the exercises may significantly reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.
The researchers said in the journal [circulatory] medical One of eleven men obese joined the program, which lasted three weeks followed during which a diet low in fat many fiber rich vegetables and fruit has dropped weight slightly but more importantly, that their blood pressure has dropped as well. The men devote some time to practice walking every day.
Over the three weeks eating men less than ten percent of calories from fat and 15 to 20 percent of calories from protein and 70 to 75 percent of calories from vegetables, fruits and whole grains. As they were allowed to eat all kinds of breads and pastries made from flour and brown fruits and vegetables that they want. They were also engaged in walking for a period ranging between 45 to 60 minutes a day.
The researchers measured the ratios of cholesterol and glucose, insulin, and all linked to heart disease in the blood of eleven men at the beginning of the program and beyond.
After the end of the program returned seven men's blood pressure was high level they have before the start of the program to the normal level.
Also dropped all of the cholesterol level when eleven men by an average of 19 percent and blood pressure by 14 percent and insulin by 46 percent and glucose by seven percent.

Successful treatment of obesity

Thier of people (especially women) are asking for treatments for obesity
Which became (ie obesity) a growing phenomenon in recent years in world Altzer ..

Unfortunately, many people used her diets Trade hum financial gain ... Has achieved a lot of them a lot of money with such books.

Are thus in the introductions this books strive to prove that their tried a lot and they are happy now lives filled with vigor and vitality!!! And that his regime is health and other harmful systems!!

Regardless of what they call health ..... Regardless of this system or that harmful or beneficial

That I do not care

But I'd have to say in all these systems that fail with their users

Vtgda already come down from the weight ..... But soon returns to the same weight, if not more, than it was a few months later or so much after a year!!!

So what is a beneficial treatment???

I say God and conciliation that the treatment is beneficial, God willing:

The first step: everything .... Do not deprive yourself ... Deprivation may cause you psychological crises ...

But ..

Each one third of the usual eating .... Any of your food before saturation ....

To overcome this you drink a cup or a little more than water a few minutes before eating it helps you to satiety

How do you know one-third of your food?

You appreciates this ..... I thought you will eat of this trip ten tablespoons example Vajolha three only and directly from food ....

Remember that the most important thing to you and you are full of food

May be in this kind of psychological pain ...... But much better than the psychological pain that befall you from deprivation.

The Prophet, peace be upon him says: (fill the son of Adam and pot worse than his stomach, was be an actor one third of your food and a third for drink and one-third for yourself) or also said peace be upon him .... This modern rule of slimming and body retain gracefully.

Step Two: Avoid even tried to commit yourself not to drink soft drinks like Pepsi and Coca-Cola and others are great and evil disease scattered your general and Smntek health private ... If you read about components and what is their impact on the health of what I drank one drop ...

And not only is, but there are many things, but I dwell on these drinks Achtharha frequent شاربيها ...

If you are a fan and can not refrain from .... Fajvv thing is something ..... But should refrain about ... Put in your imagination a specific time to refrain it is better to not more than a month ..

Generally .... Avoid eating sugars and try to mitigate them is great, but do not deprive yourself of them between now and then.

The third step: a very, very, very important .... A pillar of health mitigation


Let you sports daily schedule .... At least walk a day at least five kilometers .... Which is equivalent to almost one hour of time if your walk fairly fast (mean half an hour going and see half an hour).

At first you might not .... But included in this ... For example, the first three days half an hour and increase every day little thing ... And so on

Note: Do not commit yourself to walk you must walk in a certain area and suit Sports (though this is the best), Valolzam may make you lazy after a sport and leave ........ But when the time comes for your sport (and I mean walking) Hence, from anywhere and any confusion but take care to wear special shoes walking sport because it is important and because the other shoe may walking Taatabk.

This is the only food program

And you'll see the beginning of its results after almost a month ... Start slow and then accelerate ..

Will not tell you you're Stenzel seven hits or ten kilometers, as they say .... No

But who assert

He will descend a healthy weight down gradually and will remain along you then Stdmn it (any relief from eating and walking) of what you'll see from the lightness and the health and physical activity and spiritual recovery very, very, very strange


Do not pay attention to many of the books of the diets, even if you said that the author with a doctor or a professor specializing

Often stay already see the results in the descent of weight .... But it may hurt the body because it has been deprived of some parts of the body of vitamins are in need and cause psychological trauma may cause family problems!!.

I'm not a doctor .... But there are axioms distinguishes human .... And know that this system is good or harmful ....

Tipps hiking

N Walking is one of the most important sports currently approved to stimulate the body tight muscles and lose some excess kilograms.
But some exaggerated reliance on the sport, as are some ladies wear clothing made ​​of nylon and engage in this sport under the hot sun at noon in order to activate secretions race. The sweat that comes out of the body carries with it many of the toxins, and that's good, but friction with secretions synthetic yarns may cause problems greater sensitivity of the obesity problem. The walk in the warm period of the day may cause fainting and dizziness sometimes. That each sport has its origins, Walking should be practiced Sabha before the heat of the sun or evening when مغيبها, and appropriate clothing for the sport are those made ​​from natural materials and the best cotton.

Cases of weight loss are rare

Weight loss cases are rare when compared to obesity,
A health problem in itself may result from other diseases or mental disorders and the situation calls for consulting a doctor quickly and at a remarkable rate, worth mentioning that the genetic factor is behind a lot of cases a decrease weight.
The fear on the girls from the psychological effects that may result from this problem, and they interest in addressing rich foods of various key nutrients at a rate of three meals a day, with a focus on proteins and complex carbohydrates and exercise with survival body in case of activity and stay away from idle and sleep for long hours above average applicable.

Manufactured Clothing Weight Loss of materials free of pores

Manufactured Clothing Weight Loss of materials free of pores, such as rubber, and thus prevent the heat out of the body,

This would dissolve grease alleged by manufacturers. The clothing comes in different forms, such as a pair of jeans or a blouse irritating to skin or even shorts sitting in the steam room. There is even a special rubber belts come with these clothes are reducing waist circumference after wearing them.

These clothes and rubber belts, which also come in the form of training allowances, leading to the loss of body weight through profuse secretion of sweat due to higher internal body temperature, and the clothing to prevent the body from cooling through evaporation of sweat. At the same time, the wear rubber belts that come with clothes, reduce waist circumference is not due to loss of fat in the waist area, but because the pressure belt on the skin leads to let water under the skin into the body away from the waist or any area used the belt.
And begin water lost from the body gradually return to its place in the abdomen or waist after take off the belt. The water lost body through sweat, the body will Istrdjah inevitably sooner or later, which means that these clothes and belts effect on weight loss is the same effect as saunas, plus the possibility of their heart risk due to the blood's ability to return from the lower limbs toward heart through the veins due to pressure these clothes on the blood vessels

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